Chapter Thirteen - Down to the wire

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The weekend after the jubilee festivities, Liam and I attended the Summertime ball we'd been here as boyfriend and girlfriend, pre engagement and now as fiancee to each other, if we could attend next year we'd be husband and wife. It was so weird that the next time I would beer here I would be married. This concert had seen us in different parts of our relationship. We watched the artists doing their sets and did a lot of jumping, singing and dancing.


June was the busiest month for us, we barely had a moment to breath except for at the Summertime ball. After that the end of June vastly approached and then we were onto the rehearsals for the wedding and final dress fitting for both my wedding gown and my evening dress. Most members of the family attended the rehearsal along with the Dean and the archbishop.

"Okay, so hello, for those who don't know me I'm Lucille Munroe the wedding planner and co-ordinator. i'm pretty sure most of you know what you doing with a royal wedding, I'm just here to go over the finer points like where you will be sitting what is going on during the wedding, just so in a couple of days it runs smoothly and goes off without a hitch. I'll also be there on the day behind the scenes doing the same thing." Lucille introduced herself "If it's okay with you for this rehersal I point out where you'll be sitting but you will be escorted to your seat on the day. Everyone agreed as those who had come were given there places.

"Lucille wheres the extra seat that is supposed be next to William?" I question not seeing a chair that split Camilla and Will.

"It should be there, sorry excuse me." she shifted up Will, Catherine, harry, Louise and James chairs "I will have that there for the day. With a single white rose." she confirmed. Then we headed to our starting places

"James, sweetie." I crouch down in front of my cousin already in my make shift train "Can your practice holding my train while I walk down.

"Yes, Rory." he nodded and i smiled

"Good boy. If it gets to hard Lou, can you help your brother out." She nodded and i kissed both their cheeks. I then went to stand by my Dad who offered his hand. I took it and glanced at him with a small smile as the the beginning of the music started. We made our way down the aisle. Sadly the items from the films couldn't be brought in so it was the trees that meant there were dryads. Either way I was happy. We made our way down the aisle, Liam keeping his back to me

The Dean of Westminster practiced his lines and then turned it over to the Archbishop. briefly going over the vows, not saying them full because it's only a rehearsal. Lucille guided Louise and James at the right time to sit next to Harry and we went through the hyms and read outs

Melissa then rehearsed her song and I smiled at her. before we carried on with the service.

"So when we come out after signing the certificate.." Liam pulled me to where we'd be "Quickly guide me through it."

"Sure. Will, Catherine if you could." The moved placed pretending to be our grandparents "So we'll come out and down the stairs..." we did

"Stop in front of my grand parents mainly my grandmother and we give our respect to her as we would normally, with the bow of the head and curtsy." I curtsy low and raise back up "Normal she gives a smile in acknowledgement and then we turn and head back down the aisle. Since Catherine is my maid of honour just not like it was with her and Pippa. You'd be this time with Benjamin, Louise and James for the ride back and coming down the aisle. Then behind them it will be my brothers Dad and Juliet, Camilla and Peter and the granny and grandpa will lead everyone out." I explained and he nodded in understanding.

We were there for an hour going through things and practicing where everyone was going to be. When we returned back to Kensington.

"I can't believe that in two days were going to be married." Liam laughs "It feels like we've been engaged for ever."

"I know. And that we've actually got to this point with only a few bumps." I look over some paperwork "Wow."

"What?" Liam wondered coming over

"Well you know instead of gifts from the public we put out a statement for charitable donations?" he nodded "Look at how much each charity has raised since that announcement went out at the beginning of the year." i handed the paper over

"That's amazing. this is like over 27 charities." I nodded "Including to helping Christchurch in New Zealand."

"I was told that tourism went up in the number of visits not only to the country in general but since we talked about where we went on our holiday and where you proposed. It's the current go to destination, which means more funding."

"Power of a royal wedding." he commented

"Hummmm." I reply "Two days, two days and then I will be Mrs Moseley."

"Will you get to use Mrs Moseley at all? Or will it be just for show."

"On occasion, if we attending anything non royal Mr and Mrs William Mosley. Royal events You will be William and your title depending on what granny bestows on us. We'll have a public name and a private name. Like Windsor and Mountbatten-Windsor. Our future children when they go to school will be Moseley. You won't lose your sense of self in this life. I will work my hardest to make sure that doesn't happen." I vowed and he took my hands and kissed them.

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