Chapter Fifteen - Introducing Their Royal Highness'

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Upon arriving at Buckingham Palace we had a moment to breath and take each other in. How we looked. Liam took my hand and twirled me around as I giggled.

"You look beautiful. Like really."

"Why thank you, again you don't look do bad yourself."

"Your wearing your mothers tiara." his fingers brushed against it "It suits you." he brought his hand down. The rest of our family started arriving and official photographs taken of the two of us a group picture, bridal and groom party with Louise and James. We had roughly a hour before appearing on the balcony. We did family photo's, just the two of us, with Louise and James. My family, his family. I had one taken with granny and grandpa and just one with granny. We had a lot of memories. Granny and Dad called me over. I handed Catherine my flowers and then made my way over. Dad held a box.

"What's this?" I wonder curiously. Granny nodded to it and I opened it removing the wrapping paper.

"When I married your grandfather, your great grandfather gave me something something similar, technology has come far. If your marriage is as happy as mine, I don't want you to miss a moment." I pulled out a video camera.

"Granny, thank you." i kissed her cheek and place it back in it's box. Then I kissed Dad cheek, making my way back over to Liam.

"Oh my..." William showed me the sea of people flocking to see us on the balcony I laughed, he had never seen this before, I had seen it a many times, but it always impressed me.

"Amazing isn't it."


"This is the height for them."

"Your highnesses are you ready?" We nodded and the doors opened I took Liams hand and we walked out onto the balcony. I giggled as the cheered and waved whatever they had. our families joined us out on the balcony. For a moment like this Granny was happy to let the attention focus on us

"Aurora." I looked at him

"I love you."

"I love you too." we grinned hearing what they were asking Liam didn't even need to ask I leant up and kissed him. I pulled away so happy and looked back at everyone I saw some of the signs that were made and pointed to a couple. "Look at all the signs."

We were waiting for the fly pass. I bent down to James who understandably was becoming overwhelmed by the sheer noise of everything going on.

"It's okay. I'm here smile and wave." he looked at me then at the crowd waving I stood back up as the chanted for another kiss

"Shall we?" he smiled and leant down giving me another kiss, this one was a little longer as i rested my ringed hand on his chest. When we pulled away I saw the lip gloss there and wipe it off. There was a absalute roar and i giggled. We watched the fly pass as it went right over us and then the next wave of planes. Granny and Grandpa went to head inside.

"We're off in my dear."

"Okay." I leant forward across Liam and kissed her cheek once more. The other slowly followed suit leaving us to have the last minute together waving to the crowds. Then it was time for the luncheon that granny was hosting. around half past three, Liam and I left for clarence house on horse back, Liam was securely as the front while I navigated myself to ride side saddle, something that I had done before just not in a wedding dress.

"On this i have to see." Harry and William laughed

"Watch and weep losers, neither of you could do this in a wedding dress." I wrapped my arms around Liam and stuck my tongue out at them.

"You ready?" Liam questioned

"When you are, you know where your going right?" I peered off his shoulder

"Oh ye of little faith, my new wife."

"I like being called that, your wife." Liam clicked his tongue and we trotted out. I carefully held on as we came out to the front of the palace seeing that the crowds had been moved back far enough that we could go to Clarence House. Out of the gate everyone could see that we were here and I started laughing.

"For Narnia and for Aslan." I playfully stated to Liam who joined in with my giggles. Making our way round the Victoria memorial and then onto the mall we briefly gave waves. More cheers and waves from well wishers as we then turned into the the drive way and the gates in front of us. The ride took roughly ten minutes before we entered the safe harbour. steps were brought forward as I was helped off

"Thank you." I chime. Liam comes down as well and we head inside for a rest. I kept my gown on for a little longer as my brothers, Dad and Camilla joined me. "Told you I could do it." I pointed to them, cough up." I stood and held out my hand

"What?" the questioned

"Dad told me you two had a bet I couldn't do it. Cough up." Sighing the dug into their pockets and pulled out the money. I went and handed it to Dad. He and Camilla were chuckling.


I changed out of my wedding gown and let my hair flow into soft ringlets before slipping into an new gown it was bore slim and non train like.

"How does it feel to be married?" Will asked as we were walking down the stairs as I held onto Liam's arm.

"The same yet I have a official document and a ring." There were a couple of camera's outside that we had let in but I didn't pay them much attention. Something caught my eye and I stopped.

"Hold on." I straightened his tie "Some times I think you leave it lopsided just so I'll fix it."

"Maybe I do." He took my hand and led me out. We decided that we needed fresh air after a long day and even though the crowds were still there. The two of us were going to make the walk back there. Out of the gates again giving small waves as we walked to the palace hand in hand.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked Liam.

"Yeah even you said you were feeling a little stuffy and at least your wearing comfortable shoes." I laughed shaking my head at him. He took out his phone and we stopped as he snapped a picture of us. "That's a good one."

"Take another one." He did and i pulled a funny face "that one's better." We carried on walking into the palace grounds. When my family joined me

"You two are something else. Stopping to take selfies." Dad shook his head amused

"Not just any selfies, wedding selfies." I pointed out as we headed to the throne room for the evening reception. We had something a little extra to eat and a lot more to drink with speeches from family.

"Okay sis, i have the mic now." Harry cleared his throat. i covered my face and shook my head, he was going to embarrass me. "As you know I'm Aurora's more handsome older brother." there were cheers which i knew would inflate his ego.

"I know, I know. Thank you." I lowered my hands and rolled my eyes. "Anyway, it was so blentently obvious that from when these two met, this was where they would end up. No one and I mean literally no one else stood a chance with either of them. William, Ben and Daisy can testify that others have tried approaching us hoping they have a chance but all of us have agreed that we basically gave them a scoff and rolled our eyes with nope, no chance. We're all acutly aware of how they were brought together and I found a quote from the man himself C.S. Lewis that fits this moment. 'Now at last they were beginning chapter one of the great story no one on earth has ever read, which goes on forever, in which every chapter is better than the one before.' So raise a glass to Aurora and Liam.

"Aurora and Liam." the cheered and the two of us kissed. Later on Liam and i had our first dance to Leona Lewis and a moment like this. Then I had a father daughter dance.

"Are you happy my dear?" he questioned

"I am on top of the world, Dad." I beamed at him.


The next afternoon when we were more sober and looking less like zombies we left the palace ground for Balmoral. Our departure from the back of the Palace was recorded but we were in our little bubble. A couple of days recovery and then we went on our honeymoon to the Secret Bay in the West Indies

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