Chapter Nine - Christmastide

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Christmas at Sandringham as always kicked off with the the Wales sibling race. I had left Liam in the safe and known company of Catherine, while Will, Harry and I got ready for this years race. The three of us headed to the starting line and I repositioned myself. Dad came out to set us off. The others were cheering for one of us. I did chuckle hearing Liam.

"Go on Roe!" he called.

"Right you three, are you ready?" we all nodded "Okay then. On the count of three. one....two...three." We set off to the cheers of the family. I had tried to change my tactic for winning every year, purely to keep my brothers on their toes and make them think they were in with a chance, this year when they hadn't been for the past several. It came to the second go around and i didn't even bother playing chicken. I went on ahead of them and beat them by the mile.

Raising my fist up in the air in triumph as snowdrop and myself came to slow down and then rounding back slowly to a trot and then a walk over to the awaiting water pickets for my friend. Jumping down after coming to a stop I walked over and let snowdrop rest having some hay and water.

"Seriously, Roe, you didn't even give us a chance." Harry grumbled

"Oh I know." I breathed heavily joining my fiancee

"Harry when does she every give us a chance? Like ever, she's the competitive one." Will rolled his eyes dismounting and coming over to Catherine and giving her a peck on the lips.

"When you said you won, you weren't kidding." Liam laughs

"Oh, you doubted me?" Grandpa handed him some money

"Like I would ever. Thank you, sir." Grandpa tapped him on the shoulder and handed some more to granny and Aunt Sophie before tucking what was left away.

"Again most of you under estimate me. Just saying. One of these years, you will all keep your money because you all bet on me and I will have won." I smile sweetly and then go to take care of snow drop.


Christmas eve arrived and William and I still in separate rooms till we were married, were getting dressed. Coming out of mine. Liam was waiting for me, holding his arm out. Chuckling I took it and we headed downstairs to open presents. Most of the presents were typical gag gift. Others were novelty and small. Liam gave Granny the jam he had given me a few years back. A fresh batch. Harry opened his from me and looked up as I smirked

"Oh very funny." he held up the badge that said keep the ginger in the shade. Giving a small wave I looked over to grandpa. For his i had gotten a cape that sat world greatest grandpa. Granny started laughing at the 'old age pills' I had given her. William had gotten a mug that says never forget you have the best sister. For Dad and Camilla they got one of those moving toys that play a totally unrelated to Christmas song.

I had got mainly gag gifts and jokes. But Dad, Will and Harry disappeared somewhere while I was opening a gift from Liam. I looked down and there was a dog tag and engraved on it was 'Bruiser' I looked at him and he pointed to my brothers and father coming in with the cutest yet also frightened little chihuahua.

"Oh my gosh." I stood up "No you didn't."

"Yes, his mum a rescue he was only born like a month ago, as soon as I saw him, there was no other choice." Liam smiled explaining. Will handed Bruiser over. Dad and harry had things for him.

"Hello, oh hello." Bruiser started licking my cheek which did make me jump but the laugh.


Christmas day was buy again and while Liam and spent a lot of it playing with Bruiser. We did go out for the Christmas day service. We all walked to the church. I was defiantly cold this year and as we came to where the people were gathered outside they started shouting merry Christmas and some were calling for Liam and I. Like always we waved as Granny pulled up to the church and got out.

"I've seen it in you tube videos and other kids of video's but it's a lot different than being here in person." Liam commented

"You get used to it. My first Christmas coming up was a little scary, I think I nearly broke grandpa's hand. Now I can do it in my sleep. They're all very friendly and it makes it even special that your here." We headed inside for the service and was thankful that we get to keep our coats and hats on. I was freezing. Anyway after the service we all followed granny out.

"Just remember that as the car pulls away. you bow your head." I reminded Liam.

"Got it."

"Is she going over the protocols again?" Will joked and i rolled my eyes "Roe you know giving tips ruins all the fun."

"Oh bite me." I sigh "He had no help at Balmoral and Liam did brilliantly, they're different things. Besides it's was only a reminder." I saw granny getting into her car

"Heads up, or down, you know what I mean." i grumble. Granny leaves and I curtsy briefly glancing sidewards seeing Liam bow his head for a brief moment.Standing back to normal we exchanged a few words with the bishop and then head out introducing Liam to long time spectators Arthur and Connie.

"It's wonderful to see you again." Arthur handed me flowers "Thank you."

"Aurora has been trying to tell me about the locals who come here. It's nice to finally put faces to the names." Liam chuckled

"Congratulations on your engagement." Connie chimed "Are you excited?"

"Awh thank you. Yes we are, there more it comes closer." Liam replied

"The same, but I will be even more excited after finishing my final year. I can't remember school going so slow." We laughed and we spoke with them for a little bit then we moved on talking with the public till we came across a four year old girl i stopped

"Oh my goodness." I gasped "Is this Rose?" her Mum nodded and dipped down

"Hello. I haven't seen you in a while. The first time I met you, you were just a baby. How old are you now?"

"Four." she held up four fingers

"Oh wow, that's amazing. It nice to see you again, you look very pretty." she blushed and hid behind her mother making me chuckle. Liam and i collected more flowers handing them off when our arms became full. Then made our way back up to the house, giving a final wave to those who braved the cold weather once more.

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