Scene 2 - Psychic Paper

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We cut to see the TARDIS interior where we see the central column rising up and down. The Tenth Doctor around his TARDIS console, busily working at the controls, quickly pulls out his Psychic Paper from his pockets and looks at what it reads.


Look at that. Space time reception point through psychic transmission. I didn't know I was wanted so badly by the peoples of the universe, Donna Noble.

Donna is present in the TARDIS with the Doctor.


You getting space ads delivered to you to your Psychic paper? What else you got? An outer space Youtube you watch on the scanner?


Well, TV maybe. Now, read this.

We see the message come up on the paper. Donna goes over to look at what it reads.


What is it then? A distress call for help?

The paper reads, "Princess Ezra, legend of Bewkrene, resurrected, must find people. Must be helped. Find people".

Who else would be able to chat with you on it?


Not many. Must be her making the call. Princess Ezra was the huntress and beloved Goddess once ruling the Bewkrene constellation system. Although she and her disciples died out many centuries ago. Her wisdom and powers were highly respected by the legions that ruled through the dark times. Ancient, millions of years ago. Obviously when her species phased out as the universe expanded and the darker mythology of the universe was expelled, the magic and legend slowly dissipated from the lands of the Bewkrene system that she governed over.


You mean she's like Queen Madonna of this little part of space. And after time everyone forgot about her memories and records as science overpowered superstition.


A very crude way of putting it, Donna. Not how I would have put it.


Couldn't this all be a hoix? She's supposed to be long gone, how is she back again?


Interesting possibility, isn't it? Now if she has returned, she will need a hand to hold. Guidance to follow.


She specifically wants our help.


Yep. Word gets around. But she thinks highly of us.


I wanna know how a lost Queen of a civilisation has mysteriously returned back from the dead. Magic and Harry Potter it is maybe, but even wizards and Time Lords can hardly bring people back from the dead. Can't they?


Even if we can hardly put two and two how their superstitious codes and transcriptions meet reality.


I'd say assume she needs help.


And I suggest we go down there and give her a hand.

The Doctor operates the controls of the TARDIS.

Programmed flights locked onto Bewkrene. Identified as planet Navax Chudden.


But how do you know where she is? Planets aren't exactly easy places to search for one little fairy Princess.


Oh, you just watch me. I have a perfect sense of direction. And so does the TARDIS.

We see the TARDIS materialising as the Doctor and Donna cling onto the console as we see the TARDIS accelerate through the time vortex...

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