Scene 6 - The Rise Of Eight

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We see the body continue growing larger and larger. The Sontarans watch, as do some of the Rutans disguised as Sontarans. This the cuts to see the workers pumping the new gene feed through the pipes to allow the process to be completed by extracting the power directly from the energy within the centre of Navax Chudden. The humans operate the devices, but some of the Rutans disguised as humans manipulate the control of the gene pool. Some of it starts to go critical. We see danger warnings and sirens come from main mission.

Field Marshal Skart:

What is happening?

The Sontarans are quick to respond to the controls.

Commander Spork:

Field Marshal! What has gone wrong?

Field Marshal Skart:

The temperature has risen. The rate of fusion mixing has been overloaded. Unstabilised.

Commander Spork:

Keep the level under control!

Field Marshal Skart:

I am trying! The fault comes from the slave units!

Major Svorx:

I will deal with them, personally!

Field Marshal Skart:

Wait! Final completion of experiment beginning final phase!

The Doctor has been freed from the pain of the machinery, and recovers from the experience. We see the green bubbling humanoid inside the containment field next to the Doctor's case. It slowly begins to morph and create a shape for itself.

Commander Spork:

Then it was a success?

Field Marshal Skart:

Now the final molecular genetics have yet to balance. His brain patterns and characteristic abilities were not fully conditioned as we hoped, sir.

Commander Spork:

What are you getting at?

Field Marshal Skart:

Whilst the computer registers memory waves intact, we were unable to complete adjustments to physical and mental characteristics.

Commander Spork:

Which means?

Field Marshal Skart:

Which means we have produce the perfect clone of the Doctor, Commander. But we were unable to turn alter it's mind to become our fighting strategist. We simply have another version of the Doctor. Without the brilliance and tactical feat he would use to aid in our cause, sir.

Commander Spork:

And why was this not done during the process?

Field Major Skart:

The increase growth rate meant that we were unable to complete the final adjustments to the subject.

The body continues to morph and grow. Suddenly, from behind the Sontarans, Donna confidently appears out.


One up, potato heads!



Major Svorx:

The human female! How is this possible?


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