Scene 15 - Any Chance He Survived?

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The Tenth Doctor and Donna reach to where the rocks have been sucked up from the devastating explosion, seeing the burnt rocks frying with heat in front of them.


Listen. He's gotta to be somewhere. I know it.

Tenth Doctor:

What? In this?


You wouldn't let yourself get to this.

Tenth Doctor:

Maybe. If I didn't have someone to actually see what I'm doing.


This may not have been his fault. Why don't you go and see if he's alright before you start accusing him of everything.

Tenth Doctor:

Then where do we go and search?


Use your Sonic Screwdriver or something to go and search for life signs.

The Doctor takes his Sonic Screwdriver out and begins scanning. This then cuts to see the Eighth Doctor continuing to rise up through the rocks. We then see the Tenth Doctor and Donna having searched the area over a long period of time to see if they can find survivors, but find no result.


Found something?

Tenth Doctor:

I can't find anything. I'm sorry, Donna. But it looks like they've had it.


Then what happened here?

Tenth Doctor:

The temperature and pressure must have gone critical. It's taken the site up with it. Luckily the flow of the clone feed leading directly to the core of the planet was cut off in time before it went up.


The Sontarans then.

Tenth Doctor:

At the heart of the destruction. A fitting end for a Sontaran.


Then he must have cut the flow of the clone feed then. Otherwise it would have taken the planet up with it.

Tenth Doctor:

True. It would also have taken up the galaxy with it. A fuel size as big as a planet would burn the Bewkrene system to a cinder. The end of the 50,000 year war between the Sontarans and the Rutans. Nothing their feuds have gotten for anyone. Only this. How many more examples must be made before people actually understand the cost of conflict? Treaties and settlements. Loved ones lost and souls burnt.


So he did it. He saved us all.

Tenth Doctor:

Yes. But I'm sorry, Donna. It seems he took himself with it in the process.


That's the bravest thing he could have done. And you know where he got that from, don't you?

Tenth Doctor:

And I'm proud of it.


You sure then we can't do anything else for him?

Tenth Doctor:

We've become too far involved in this already, Donna. This started because of me.


It wasn't your fault, Doctor.

Tenth Doctor:

The minute we tried to intervene, even inadvertently, we become part of events. And I know just how it feels, quite honestly.

The Doctor and Donna keep looking down.

It's time we left. Come on.

The Tenth Doctor and Donna then slowly leave together. This then sees the Eighth Doctor continuing to rise from the rubble, reaching the top. He realises he has made it safely up, and looks back down to the bottom, panting. The Eighth Doctor looks around to his surroundings, and then tries to make out where he could find the Tenth Doctor and Donna. We then see the Tenth Doctor and Donna return to the interior of the TARDIS.


He was a good man. A man you'd wanna follow, and shut up, and listen to. To go with this guy and let him lead.

Tenth Doctor:

I couldn't agree more. He was more the Doctor in that moment than ever I was.


Guess you don't think he was so bad after all?

Tenth Doctor:

Hardly, Donna. Now, what other wonders do you have for us? Lost moon of Poosh? Diamond Coral Reefs? Maglavor Galoor 7 Stroke AB? Back in time, again, Donna? In fact, I have a brilliant idea for this other place we could rest up on for a time.

The TARDIS begins to dematerialising. This then cuts to the exterior of the ship, which we see leave. The Eighth Doctor rushes to it, in which he is too late as he sees it go. He looks helpless, realising he is trapped on Navax Chudden. We then finish seeing the TARDIS materialise away and then see the Tenth Doctor busily working his controls with Donna distracted. They were off to a new world to explore in space and time, leaving the Eighth Doctor, unbeknownst to them. This then cuts to see the sequence that we saw at the very start of the episode with the swirling grey smog and fire around us.

The flames and smoke come from the explosion from Navax Chudden caused by the Sontarans. The sequence replays, showing the Eighth Doctor carrying his Sonic Screwdriver and turning to us. Once the Eighth Doctor leaves out of sight, we are certain that this new version of the Doctor, created out of a genetic experiment, will continue to strive for and understanding more about himself. His mission, his quest, had begun. The possibilities for new on screen adventures of the Eighth Doctor are now endless...



(End credits)

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