Chp 3

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Damon was having the time of his life. Enzo had left to find Maggie, the two of them are traveling the world together. But the trip was soon cut short when Enzo learned Maggie never truly loved him, she just wanted to be turned. She did care for him, just not as much as he did for her. They soon parted ways, Maggie going back to the States and Enzo continued to travel. He had promised to meet up with Damon eventually but was enjoying his freedom.

New York never slept and neither did Damon. He partied every night, drank from the locals, and just had fun. He knew Stefan had heard about his activities when he spotted Lexi watching him from across the bar he frequented. He came to the conclusion this was one of the events he could not stop but change. He waited for the older vampire to approach him, "Took you long enough. Did my brother send you? Are you here to ruin my fun?" Damon never liked Lexi but accepted that she helped Stefan at times. Although now things are different, Damon knew how to help his brother with the Ripper. It was only a matter of time before they saw each other.

Lexi leaned on the bar next to the eldest Salvatore, "Stefan voiced his concerns about you. He thinks you've gone off the deep end. I told him I would check up on you. So, here I am." Damon downed the shot of liquor before slamming the glass onto the bar, "You didn't have to. I'm fine. Just having a bit of fun with the locals. I haven't killed anybody in...too long." Lexi sighs, "Stefan was worried enough to convince me to find you." Damon took another shot, "Well, you can tell Stefan that I am fine. I don't need a babysitter." "Are you still sour about the 40s?" The older vampire asks.

Damon moved away from the bar, not even bothering to answer. Lexi follows him out onto the street. Damon turns to face her, "Look, I get why you stopped me from going with my brother. But why are you really here? As far as I'm concerned, I have not misbehaved enough to bring attention to myself, so why are you here?" Lexi shrugged, "I owed it to Stefan." "Well consider your debt paid and leave me alone," Damon whooshed away from Lexi. He didn't see her again, they never had sex, and he never trapped Lexi on the roof of the bar.


This is the year Damon dreaded. It marked one of THE biggest regrets of his life, killing Gail. He could feel Fate's hand crushing his heart as he walked up the steps to the Salvatore Boarding House. Damon was going to avoid coming back to Mystic Falls for another decade, but Fate had other plans. He was supposed to be here. That does not mean the same things have to happen.

Damon had arrived on May 08, much later than last time. He hesitantly rang the bell and waited for his nephew to open the door. Soon, a young and very much alive Zach Salvatore opened the door, "May I help you?" Damon smirked, "Hey...Zach, right? I'm looking for my brother, Stefan." Zach's eyes widened at the realization that the 'unstable' brother was standing in front of him. Before Zach could say anything Stefan was at the door, "Damon? What are you doing here?" Stefan stepped past Zach and closed the door behind him.

"What? I can't come visit my little brother?" Damon tried to seem nonchalant but in reality, he wanted to grasp his brother in a hug and not let go. Here he was, Stefan was standing in front of him, alive. Stefan shook his head, "Why are you here, Damon?" Damon sighed and became serious, "I need to talk to you. Can you get our nephew to invite me inside? I promise to be on my best behavior." Stefan wasn't convinced, especially after Lexi informed of what happened in New York. He'll just have to keep an eye on his older brother.

Soon, Stefan and Damon were sitting in Stefan's room. He could tell Damon was different. Normally the elder Salvatore brother would be snarky and rude, but Damon seemed to be anxious, if anything. Damon stood and started pacing the length of the room. He would stop, look at his brother before starting to pace again. "Just spit out, Damon," Stefan was getting anxious himself watching his brother pace.

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