Chp 5

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Damon sat at the bar and watched Ben serve drinks to the other patrons. He had noticed Ben came in after the sun went down which means he is a vampire. Anna must have turned him after the night of the Comet. Sheila had destroyed the crystal shortly after Damon gave it to her. Damon scanned the bar looking for a particular vampire but found Noah instead. He remembers Noah was the one who attacked Elena because she looks like Katherine and "it was fun." But Damon could see Noah was eyeing a certain bubbly blonde next to the Doppelganger. Well, that won't do.

When Caroline left the Grill Noah followed her. Damon threw some money on the bar and left to find Caroline. He made it a few feet outside when he heard someone struggling in the alley next to the Grill. Noah had dragged Caroline to the darkened alley's lower level and had her against the wall with his fangs buried in her neck. Damon whooshed and knocked Noah away from Caroline. Noah hissed at the elder Salvatore and disappeared.

Damon turned his attention to Caroline and her bleeding neck. He used one hand to put pressure on it and the other to pull out his phone to call the sheriff. Damon was going to give her some of his blood to heal her, but thought it would be suspicious. This way he could get on the council, making it easier to control certain things that he can. "Caroline? What's your mom's phone number?" Damon tried to ask the young girl but she was hysterically crying and freaking out. So, Damon had to speak louder, "Caroline! We need to call your mom." Caroline was crying so hard she could barely breathe, but managed to pull her phone out of her bag and hand it to Damon. He dialed Liz's number under the contact 'Mom'. She picked up on the second ring, "Caroline, are you okay? You never call me while I'm at work." Damon shook his head at that, "Sheriff, it's Damon Salvatore." "Damon. Why do you have my daughter's phone?" Liz is now concerned. "She was attacked. Sheriff, she was bitten," Damon hoped she would understand without him going into detail. "Is she..." Liz stammered.

"Alive but her neck was practically torn open. I chased the guy off. We're in the alley next to the Grill," Damon could hear the Sheriff's sirens over the phone and outside. "I'll be right there. Please...Just stay with her," Liz said over the phone. Then he heard her under her breath, "I should have told her already." Damon didn't say what he was thinking, he knew part of why the kids of this town were in danger was because they didn't know about it.

Damon hung up the phone when he saw the siren lights flashing and two doors slam. Caroline had stopped crying, was pale and shaking from the blood loss. She was still conscious when Liz appeared next to her, "Oh god. Honey, I'm here." "Mom. He bit me. Why did he bite?" Caroline's voice croaked. Liz sighed as she grabbed gauze to help put pressure on the wound after Damon moved his hand, "I'll tell you everything after we get you patched up." EMS showed up then and got Caroline on the gurney. Liz turned to Damon, "Thank you. I'll be in touch. Thank you." Damon nodded and watched her leave before licking his hand, he couldn't help it. He was surprised by how much control he had. Now, he has a vampire to chase down.

Damon had lost track of Noah but he knew he'll see him again. Noah was still stalking Elena so it was a matter of time. Stefan had kept an eye on Elena without her knowing because Damon had told him what happened to Caroline. Stefan noticed Caroline had missed a few days of school and when she came back she still had bruising on her neck from the bite. Sheriff Liz, Mr. and Mrs. Lockwood, and Logan Fell agreed to invite Damon to the council after Damon explained he knew about vampires.

The council was clueless about the Salvatore brothers being vampires and Damon thought it was the funniest thing in the world. Stefan had asked, "Why are you bothering with the council?" Damon shrugged, "It gave us an edge last time. This time though will be different. For one, the kids will be in the know. So, no blindly inviting people into their homes anymore. And they're all on Vervain. I gave the Sheriff quite a bit of it and told her to mix it with coffee every morning." Stefan nodded along, he still wasn't sure that was a good idea but his brother had lived through this already and knows what needs to change.

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