Chp 4

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Warning: Mentions of vomiting


A very bored crow sat on top of a street sign waiting for the opportune moment. Damon watches as Bonnie and the bitch drive down the street, soon to be passing the sign he is perched on. If crows could smirk, this one would be as he swooped down to spook the occupants of the vehicle.

Perching back on the sign, Damon listens to the teenage girls. "Oh my god, Elena. Are you alright?" Bonnie asked. Elena internally smirked before putting on a 'brave' face, "I'm fine. I can't be afraid of cars for the rest of my life." The crow cawed loudly before flying towards his home.

As he was flying, Damon was thinking over the past few days. He had watched his brother stalk the Doppelganger. Damon could feel the rage building every time he saw Elena. He wanted to rip her heart out before she could do the same to him and his brother. But alas, Fate. That's another thing...Fate has intervened once again. Damon had learned Zach, Gail, and little Sarah went on a family holiday to France for Christmas the previous year. Unfortunately, the return flight had gone down over the Atlantic with no survivors. Both Damon and Stefan were sad to learn the last living members of the Salvatore family were gone.

Damon shifted out of his crow form as he landed on the front stoop of the Boarding House. He went straight to the bar and poured himself a drink. It was going to be a long day.

When the front door finally opened letting Damon know Stefan was back, he whooshed to the foyer, "Hello, Brother." Stefan was startled, "Damon! When did you get here?" "I couldn't miss your first day of school. Like the hair, so much better than that grunge look. You know it's important to stay away from fads," Damon teased Stefan. The brothers moved into the sitting room while Damon questioned, "So? Did you meet Katherine's carbon copy?" He already knew the answer but waited for a reply. Stefan nodded, "I did." "And?" Damon raised an eyebrow. "And, nothing. I thought I wanted to get to know her but after I witnessed her treatment of her younger brother, I lost interest. She did spend the whole day trying to get my attention," Stefan had surprised Damon.

Stefan could see the shocked expression, "What? Something else happened last time, didn't it?" Damon poured another glass of Bourbon and handed it to Stefan, "You two fell so hard for each other it was sickening. After being together for a few weeks, she figured out we were vampires. She snooped and poked and prodded until she learned the truth, then you gave her our whole backstory." Stefan can feel Damon is getting agitated. Stefan accepted the glass of Bourbon, "You don't like Elena, do you?" Damon scoffed, "She was my wife."

Stefan choked on his drink, "What?" "Oh, yeah. Elena and I married less than a year after you died. Eight years later, she put a bullet in my brain. So, no, I don't like the bitch. She can rot in hell with the rest of the Doppelgangers," Damon slammed his drink before refilling it. Stefan's forehead gained another frown line, "Doppelgangers?" Damon paused. Here is a conversation that is unavoidable. Damon set his glass down, "Yeah, that is what Katherine and Elena are...Doppelgangers. There were several throughout history, we have only met a few. But that is a story for another time. Just know Katherine and Elena are alike in many ways, not just looks."

With the knowledge from living this life already, Damon thought to speed certain things up. However, when he tried to voice this to his brother, he would forget what he was trying to say. Damn it, Fate! But who's to say Damon couldn't have a little fun in the meantime. Send the useless council on a wild goose chase.

Later that night both Salvatore brothers walked into the Grill. They took a seat at the bar and listened to the teenage girls at one of the tables. "Oh, there he is. Who is with him? He's hot." The bubbly blonde exclaimed. "Caroline! I thought you were interested in Stefan?" Damon smirked when he recognized Bonnie's voice. Then the one voice he can do without hearing ever again, "Well, I'd take either one." Stefan angled towards his brother, "There's our proof." "Yep," Damon said, popping the "p". Stefan drank his coffee, "So, what's next?" Damon set down some cash for their drinks and stood, "Grave robbing."

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