Chp 11

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Stefan and Damon will never admit that they have been getting along since Damon returned to the past. But here they are. They may get along but that doesn't mean the shenanigans have stopped. Just the other day, Damon had dismantled Stefan's precious car and reassembled it inside Stefan's bedroom while Stefan was out for the entire day. Having vampire strength, stamina, and speed is awesome, it can help accomplish so much. Now, Damon just had to sit and wait in the cramped, crowded bedroom for his younger brother to come home and see the fruits of his labor.

Damon didn't have to wait long before Stefan opened his door and could just barely step into his room. He sighed with both hands on his hips, "really, Damon. My car?!" Damon laughs, "Relax, it's not like I scratched the paint." Stefan shook his head, now frustrated with the pranks, "I think it's time we call a truce." Damon got up from the desk chair, smirking, "Only because you didn't think of this first. I'll let myself out." Damon leaves the room by jumping from the balcony. Stefan spent the rest of the night disassembling his car and reassembling it inside the garage while trying to think about retaliating.

Damon stood with Elijah and Kol discussing the Bell. "So, how did it go? Were you able to destroy the Bell?" Damon asked. Kol had the biggest grin, "I turned it into my new toy. The magic was embedded in the metal, so even melted down it could still cause some damage. So I created a dark object capable of redirecting the magic." Damon was impressed, he knew Kol was creative when it came to magic, "Color me impressed. Now, on to the next pressing issue...Silas and the Brotherhood of the Five."

The Originals, Sage, Davina, Hayley, and Damon plotted what to do about Silas. Damon had told them the location of Silas' resting place, but warned them, "Even the state he's in he can get into your head. Little Jeremy paid the price with his life when Katherine fed him to Silas. Now, Silas. He was an asshole but he had his reasons. Silas just wanted Amara, the love of his life. Who is actually alive and the Anchor for the Other Side for the past 2,000 years, which has driven her insane. She feels the death of every supernatural, and then the pain of them passing through her. Silas caused a lot of shit, and all he wanted was Amara."

"Do you know where Amara is being kept?" Davina asked. Damon shook his head, "I don't, but I know someone who does but I'm pretty sure she's not going to talk to me since I killed her mom." This got the group's undivided attention. Klaus sat forward in his seat with a drink in his hand, "Who's mother did you kill?" Damon smirked, "Nadia Petrova. Katherine's daughter she had before leaving Bulgaria. Nadia is with some Travelers. Anyway, we're getting off point. Silas needs to die. I can draw a map to his tomb." The group agreed that Kol, Finn, and Sage are to go to Nova Scotia to kill Silas.

The group split up after Kol stated he was shoving the cure down Silas' throat and pulling his heart. Damon made his way to the Bennett household and knocked. Bonnie answered, "Damon? What are you doing here?" He gave the witch a genuine smile, "I came to see how you were doing? And to see my best friend." Bonnie shyly smiles, "I'm doing good. Much better after cutting ties with Elena completely." Damon raised an eyebrow in curiosity, "Oh?"

Bonnie crossed her arms trying not to get upset over her last encounter with the doppelganger, "Yeah. She came over the other day wanting me to use magic against Caroline. She wanted me to make Stefan hate Caroline and love her. Then she had the audacity to demand I make you love her too. I had to throw her out of my house and bar her from entering again. She's really unstable now." Damon was fuming, "Ok, I'll see what can be done. As of right now, the only reason she's still breathing is because of her blood. But if she keeps pushing it, even that won't save her." "Thanks, Damon," Bonnie uncrosses her arms. "Sure thing, BonBon," Damon gave her another real smile. He turns to leave, "I'll stop by again soon and check on you." Bonnie grabs her door to close it and smiles, "Okay, Damon. See you then."

Tyler was dreading this night, his first full moon. He was thankful that he was not alone. Hayley and Klaus were going to stay with him in the Lockwood cellar. Klaus had sat Tyler down and gave him the option of becoming a hybrid. Klaus explained the pros and the cons, "You'll be able to shift at will with little to no pain. Your senses would be heightened even more, immortality, and practically indestructible. However, there is a chance that you would be sired to me. It's where you feel so indebted to me that you obey my every command without question. And then there's the bloodlust, but that you will be taught control."

"Is being sired a bad thing?" Tyler wanted clarification. Klaus shook his head, "Not necessarily but the sire bond can be abused if not careful. I have known vampires who have ordered their subordinates to walk into the sun without protection. As a hybrid, if you're sired, it can be broken by shifting over and over until it is no longer painful." Hayley sat next to Tyler to help comfort him, "If it came to that, we'll be there to help you."

She looked over at Klaus and smiled at him. From what she knows and has witnessed, Hayley could see Klaus was the type to want sired minions. So, to hear him inform Tyler of everything surprised her but she was glad. Klaus caught Hayley smiling at him and knew he did a good thing. Klaus truly wanted Hayley. He has spent weeks with the she-wolf and feels Hayley has dug her way into his heart. The images of Hope also ran through his mind. His precious little girl that he went to Hell and back for, and would do so gladly.

Their talk with Tyler was disrupted by a sulking Damon slumping onto the couch next to Klaus. Damon had an empty glass in his hand, "I think my prank war with my brother went too far." Damon lifts a hand that has the glass in it above his head and tries to let go but the glass is stuck. Tyler burst out laughing, followed shortly by Klaus and Hayley.  

AN:  Short chapter, again.  This story is almost done.  A few more chapters at most.  It was never going to be that long of a story. 

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