Chp 7

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Klaus was not one to just walk into a town without observing from a distance first. What he has seen surprises him. His older brother Elijah, his old friend Stefan, and Stefan's older brother were keeping their distance from the newest Doppelganger while still keeping an eye on her. Klaus had heard rumors that Katerina was in town but he had not seen her. He also noticed two young women would join his brother and Stefan at the Salvatore Boarding House. One was human and one was a witch.

Klaus' witch Maddox had procured them a place near the center of town. Maddox reported that the Doppelganger recently lost her adoptive parents, her younger "brother" and aunt moved out of town, leaving the girl with her biological father. He also reported the girl's friends had drifted away from her. Which had Klaus smirking and thinking, "The girl is alone."

Elijah and Damon are not stupid; they know Klaus is in town. Damon recognized Maddox instantly and told Elijah, so now they are just waiting for Klaus to show himself. Damon had a plan to help convince Klaus that they are on Klaus' side. When Klaus finally decided to get a drink at the Grill, Damon and Elijah were going to join him.

The moment Klaus sat on a bar stool, Elijah and Damon were on either side of him. "Hello, Niklaus," Elijah spoke first. Trying to convey they were not there to hurt or ambush him. Klaus lifted his Bourbon and responded before taking a drink, "Brother. Thought you didn't want to see me for another couple of decades." "Yes, well, things have changed. It has been revealed that you lied to me about disposing of our siblings," Elijah casually drops that tidbit. Damon snickered, "There are some things we would like to talk about, but not here."

"So? You know a version of the future?" Klaus held his tumbler of Bourbon in his hand, raised halfway to his mouth. Damon nodded, "Yes. I can't tell you but I can show you. Before I do, like I told Elijah, things are different this time. For one, My brother and I want nothing to do with Elena." Both Klaus and Elijah heard the disdain in his voice when it came to Elena. "Second, we have no desire to go against the Originals. Stefan and I are going to leave town after Caroline graduates from high school, since she and Stefan are glued at the hip."

Damon had just finished showing Klaus his memories, "You lived it already." "I did. And it was a mess. We were constantly at each other's throats. Something we don't want this time," Damon had sat down on the sofa across from Klaus. While the soon-to-be Hybrid was scanning through the memories and stopped at one in particular. An inhuman growl rubbled in Klaus' chest, "Mikael." Elijah sat on the edge of his seat, "Yes, it seems father is imprisoned in a Mausoleum in North Carolina."

"Why don't Maddox, you, and I take a trip and eliminate dear ole papa Original while Elijah and Stefan hold the fort? There's a certain Bell in the Forbes family possession that we should get our hands on and away from the humans," Damon suggested. Elijah agreed, "With father gone, the rest of our siblings can be undaggered." Damon stood up to call Bonnie. He was going to have her share the spell her mother used to desiccate Mikael with Maddox just in case.

With that said, the three men split off. Elijah met up with Stefan and Caroline to organize the movement of the Hellfire Bell to a safe location until it can be dismantled and melted down. Damon, Maddox, and Klaus headed for Charlotte, North Carolina. The drive was filled with questions for Damon to answer. Klaus wants to know everything they may encounter.

The question of the Cure came up, "What about the cure?" Klaus asked. Damon sighed, "I think it would be best to hunt down and kill Professor Shane, destroy his research, then leave it be. Or, kill Professor Shane then trap the Five of the island where Silas rests and starve them to death so nobody gets cursed. Give Silas enough blood to loosen his grip then shove the Cure down his throat and pull his heart." "I think it would be best to give the cure to Silas and kill him. I heard stories from other covens about him and they all fear him rising," Maddox voiced from the backseat.

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