Chp 9

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A night out on the town seemed like a good idea at the time for Tyler. He had gone to Richmond to hang out with a few buddies from a rival high school and had a good time. On the drive home is when the night turned to shit. He was almost back to Mystic Falls when a wandering drunk walked into the road in front of Tyler's car. Tyler tried to swerve but it was too late. The guy was thrown from the impact. The force from the impact and landing was fatal.

Tyler got out of his car to check on the guy when the first bone broke. His left Femur snapped in half, causing him to fall to the ground and cry out in pain. The second bone breaking released a gut wrenching howl. A howl that was heard by both Hayley and Klaus. Klaus didn't even think, he picked up Hayley and whooshed in the direction of the howl. Tyler was trying to breathe through the pain as another bone broke, trying to not cry out.

And that's how Klaus found the kid. On the ground, shaking, pale, and in tears. Klaus set down Hayley and they slowly approached Tyler. Klaus knelt in front of Tyler's face, noting his eyes are still glowing from breaking his curse. Tyler's voice cracked, "What's happening to me?" Hayley whispered to Klaus, "I'm going to check the other guy's ID." Klaus nodded then turned back to Tyler, "We'll explain after we clean this up." Tyler was able to sit up since his bones started healing which made him even more confused.

Hayley came back with the guy's wallet, "The guy has more than one ID with different aliases. I don't know which is real." "Well, then it's no loss. Probably on the run from the law and figures a small town is a great place to hide," Klaus stood and brushed himself off. He turned to Tyler, "What happened?" Tyler was not paying attention, he was in shock that he killed someone. Klaus snapped his fingers in the kid's face, "What happened?" "I was driving home from Richmond when he came out of nowhere. I tried to swerve but it was too late." Tyler felt nauseous.

"Hey, it was an accident. Okay? Now, let's get you out of here," Hyaley helped Tyler stand while Klaus disposed of the body. Hayley put Tyler in his back seat and got in the driver's seat. Klaus joined them in the passenger seat. Tyler sat in silence the whole drive back to his house. Hayley had met most of the important people in this town the few weeks she has been here. She knew Tyler was the Mayor's son having met him while hanging out with Rebekah and Caroline at the Grill. He had come to their table trying to flirt with all of them but was shut down.

Now, she was helping Klaus drive Tyler home after breaking his curse. The past few weeks staying with the Mikaelsons has been relaxing. When she was taken to Kingfisher labs, she was meeting with some lone wolves that may have information on her birth family. She never got that information until the Mikaelsons and Salvatores. She was able to learn her pack was from New Orleans, so now she has a starting point. Hayley planned on leaving after learning this but Klaus asked her to wait until summer and they will travel with her. She agreed if only to have them as her allies.

Tyler was half-carried up the front stoop to the door. His stomach had not stopped rolling as thoughts of killing someone ran through his mind. They pushed the door open, Klaus shaking his head at the fact it was unlocked. Leading Tyler into the grand sitting room and calling for his mother. Who coincidentally was in a council meeting with the sheriff, Alaric, and Damon.

Carol, Liz, Ric, and Damon came into the sitting room where a pale, shaken Tyler sat on the couch. Hayley sat on the table in front of him, Klaus leaning against the mantle. Damon gave a subtle nod to Klaus and Hayley. Carol sat next to her son, "Tyler?" Red, puffy eyes looked up at his mother then looked back down in shame. Carol looked at Hayley, "What happened?"

Klaus spoke quietly to the rest of the adults, "Young Tyler had an accident. A man wandered onto the road in front of Tyler's car. Tyler didn't swerve in time. The man died on impact." Klaus handed the wallet to Liz. She pulled out six different IDs, "Huh? I'll run these at the station. Judging by the fact he has so many different aliases, he probably has a lengthy rap sheet. Anything else?"

Klaus and Damon share a look before turning back to Liz and Ric. They were unsure if they should share the information about the Lockwoods. Damon cleared his throat, "Not at the moment. We should keep an eye on the kid. Definitely a traumatic experience, accident or not." Liz nodded her head, replaced the IDs, folded the wallet, and excused herself so she could run the IDs. Ric stepped closer, "What actually happened?" Klaus narrowed his eyes at the man but explained, "Exactly as I said, he hit a man that wandered into the road." The men face the couch seeing Hayley still sitting on the table, Carol comforting her traumatized son.

Hayley and Klaus agreed to help Tyler on the night of the full moon. Hayley declined the offer to become a hybrid for the time being. She wanted the ability to have children and becoming a hybrid would take that from her. Klaus agreed to her terms, the conception of his daughter in the back of his mind. The Hybrid will never admit to being nervous about courting a woman. From the memories he had been shown, Hayley and him were not in a relationship. It was a one night stand that resulted in their daughter.

Klaus watched Hayley console Tyler. The few weeks Hayley has stayed with him and his siblings, he has learned how resourceful, cunning, and manipulative she could be. But he has also seen how caring, compassionate, and brave she can be. Hayley is a force to be reckoned with, not easily subdued, and will not be a submissive partner. This excited Klaus to no end. She is nothing like any of his former lovers. Klaus will have her as his partner and eventually his wife, make no mistake about that.

Tyler was sent to bed after Hayley and Klaus told him they will be back the next day for explanations. The boy was too traumatized to pay attention to what was happening to him. Ric had gone back to his apartment, Liz was already at the station, and Carol escorted Damon, Klaus, and Hayley to the front door with well wishes and thank yous'.

Damon followed Hayley and Klaus back to Mikaelson Manor. "So, is Tyler going to be your first Hybrid?" "We'll explain everything first before giving him the option. Not going to force the poor boy. Besides, don't want a mutiny," Klaus filled his glass with whiskey as he spoke. Damon hummed in agreement, "Yeah, good idea. He was the one to convince your hybrid to turn on you last time."

Click-clack of heels could be heard coming down the stairs. Rebekah came around the corner and noticed the tension, "What's going on?" Hayley sighed, "Tyler triggered his wolf tonight. He might be Klaus' first hybrid." "Oh, congrats, Nik. I know you've been looking forward to building your hybrid army. It's all you could talk about for the last 1000 years," Rebekah sassed. Damon snorted, "Well, it's been a long day."

Damon got up from the couch and moved to leave the room. He stopped in front of Rebekah, "My lady, would you do the honor of allowing me to escort you to the upcoming Masquerade Ball?" His signature smirk plastered on his face to hide the nerves. He took a risk asking to escort Rebekah to the Ball in the same room as Klaus. Rebekah looked back and forth between Damon and her brother before, "I would love to." Damon smiled, "Perfect. Goodnight everyone."

Once outside, Damon exhaled in relief. But it was a little too soon, Klaus was in front of him on the porch. The expression on Klaus' face was unreadable, "I like you Damon. Normally any man who tries to court my baby sister ends up being wrong for her. So, I would remove them before they had a chance to break her heart. I hope this will not be the case." Damon gulped and shook his head, "No, I care about Rebekah. I did last time too, but I was an idiot and didn't treat her like the queen she is. I would like the chance to court her, if she'll have me."

Klaus smirked at the young vampire, "No worries, mate. Goodnight, Damon." Klaus left Damon standing on the porch more nervous than before. He will show Rebekah and her siblings that he was serious about courting her. For now, Damon headed back to the Boarding house to rest. He will need a new suit for the Masquerade, so he plans to go shopping in the next couple of days.

AN: This story does not have much left. Question: Should I kill off Elena, or have her compelled to be with Matt?

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