Chp 10

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The somewhat peaceful early morning was disturbed by rapid knocking on the Mikaelson Mansion door. A very irritated Klaus roughly pulled the door open. He was going to scowl and yell at the person knocking but was cut off, "About time you answered." The exhausted teenager pushed her past Klaus with her luggage in tow. She tossed them down and turned to Klaus, "Now, where's Kol?"

Still scowling at this girl's audacity, Klaus blocked the girl from going further into his home, "Who the hell do you think you are barging in my home like it was your own?!" Both stared each other down as the others came into the foyer. The girl stood her ground, "Don't get all big-bad-hybrid with me, Klaus. I'm exhausted and have been through hell...Literally. I go to sleep next to my husband of 35 years, get shoved into a dream with Qetsiyah and Ayanna telling me to help the one they sent back, and then I wake up in my 15-year-old body a week before the Harvest. I'm tired and I want my husband! Now, I will not ask again, where is Kol?!"

Getting over his shock, Kol was suddenly next to the fiery witch, "Hello, darling." Moving her glare away from Klaus, Davina's face broke into a wide smile, "My love." She wrapped herself around his waist, her face buried in his chest, "It's been a long day of traveling." She let go of Kol's waist and grabbed his hand, "Come on, let's go into your room. There's a spell I can do that will give you the memories of our life together." Davina dragged Kol to his room since she knew the way. It was one way she was able to prove that she was telling the truth. Kol just let her; he was too intrigued by the witch who was brave enough to snap at his brother.

"Well, that was interesting. Never thought I'd see the day where Kol was so compliant," Rebekah remarked as she headed back to her room. The others followed her example and went back to bed. They knew Kol would surround himself with witches since it was one of the ways he could feel connected to the magic he lost when turning into a vampire. Elijah tilted his head in thought, "She said she was sent to help. Seems to me there's more to be dealt with beyond what Mr. Salvatore knows." Klaus runs a paint splattered hand through his hair, "Of course he doesn't know everything. He even said some things happened in New Orleans and he wasn't there. Maybe this witch would be so inclined as to share what she knows before I..."

Klaus didn't even get to finish the threat before Kol flashed in front of his brother and snapped his neck. "Nobody lays a hand on my wife." Elijah recovered from his shock first, "Kol!" The younger brother rolled his eyes, "He deserves so much worse." Kol turned to Rebekah, "And you! You better tell Nik what you did in 1919 before we move back to New Orleans." "What are you talking about, Kol?" Rebekah acted confused. "You know exactly what I'm talking about. Calling a certain Destroyer to our home in hopes of running Nik off so you could cuddle with the riff raff," Kol ranted then went back to his room and his wife, Davina.

"Rebekah, please tell me Kol was not telling the truth. That you did not call our father to New Orleans?" Elijah was losing his composure. By now Klaus had regained consciousness and was going to dagger Kol but was stunned to hear Elijah's question. "Yes, dear sister. Enlighten us," Klaus watched his sister fidget. The brothers knew she was going to try and lie her out of it. She couldn't look either of them in the eyes as she spoke, "Marcel and I called Mikael to New Orleans in 1919. It was only to make you run Nik, so we could be together. It was before you gave Marcel and I your blessing." "Enough! I've heard enough. I would dagger you, but they conveniently have gone missing," Klaus moved to leave but was stopped by Elijah.

"Your foolish endeavors when it comes to matters of the heart has cost this family too much. I can no longer trust you, Rebekah. It would be best if you leave for the time being," Elijah disappeared to his room leaving Klaus and Rebekah alone. "I'm sorry Nik. I just wanted you to run," Rebekah sobbed. Klaus shook his head in disbelief at the one person who always stuck by him no matter how many times he daggered her. "Your actions cost us our home. The life of my adopted son, Marcellus. And for what? A silly infatuation! I agree with our brother, you are not welcome here." Klaus whooshed into his art studio and slammed the door. Rebekah stood in the foyer tears streaming down her face in shame at her actions. She then went to her and packed a bag.

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