Chp 12

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TW: Mentions of Suicide**

After Tyler's first full moon he transitioned to a hybrid, not being able to take the pain of the shift. Both Hayley and Klaus were by his side for both events. The rest of the Mikaelsons prepared to move from Mystic Falls to New Orleans since there was nothing left in this small town.

Caroline, Bonnie, and Stefan had graduated high school and were going with the Mikaelsons. Damon had stopped trying to get in contact with Rebekah. He felt like he was wasting his time with Barbie Klaus. He knew what she was like from the prior timeline, only caring about herself and the occasional fling. This is Damon's second life, he wanted more than that. So, he too will be leaving with the Mikaelsons, but keeping the boarding house so he could visit.

**During this year, Elena Gilbert had been a thorn in everybody's side. She would not take the hint that nobody wanted anything to do with her. Elena did not want to admit that her own selfishness pushed everyone away. Since nobody cared enough to check on her, nobody knew she had drunkenly thrown herself off the Wickery Bridge and never resurfaced. Her bloated body was discovered a week later. Tears were shed during the funeral that dried up during the wake. Her mannerisms isolated her, she will not be missed. **

"So, are you ready? There's no turning back once we do this," Damon asked Klaus and Elijah. The three of them had snuck away with Esther's sealed coffin. None of them wanted to risk her coming back from the dead. The Original siblings plus Davina sat down and discussed disposing of Esther permanently. Her coffin had been unsealed long enough for Davina to gather some of Esther's blood for Dahlia's weapon. Then resealed before Esther could stir.

It was then decided to hide her coffin. But Klaus and Elijah knew hiding it wouldn't be enough. Which brings the two Originals with Damon to the outskirts of the Bermuda Triangle. Damon didn't understand why this destination was picked but it turns out the Bermuda Triangle is a No Magic Zone. Elijah explained the formation of the tectonic plates caused the magnetic fields surrounding the triangle to interfere with magic. No witch living or dead will be able to find Esther's coffin.

Klaus sighed, "Ready." Elijah and Klaus stood on either side and picked up the coffin and tossed it overboard. The three men stood in silence as the coffin sank into the ocean. Once it was beneath the water's surface, Klaus smirked, "It's ironic really. After lying to you about disposing of our family, yet here we are." Elijah nodded, "Yes. Let us get back before the others cause a ruckus." Klaus rolled his eyes but agreed. A certain she-wolf ran through his mind. The Original Hybrid had asked Hayley to the Opera in New York that weekend and was putting the final touches in before this little excursion.

Finn and Sage had decided to travel the world after a few years. Finn wanted to visit the old world, possibly look for some farmland to settle down and just visit his family from time to time. With the help of his wife, Finn has accepted vampirism, no longer wanting to end his life. Of course, Davina had informed the Mikaelsons of their eldest sister being alive but in a sleep spell. Finn was anxious to reunite with his favorite sibling in the coming year. It is why his travels with his wife are to be delayed.

A couple of days after the move, Klaus had gone to Rousseau's for a drink when he did a double take, "Marcellus?" The vampire in question turns to his adoptive father and glares, "Klaus." The Original Hybrid was internally seething at Kol and his wife, "They could have told us!" "I believed you to be dead," Klaus kept his face blank of emotions. "Yeah, well, you didn't look to check," Marcel sneered.

Before Klaus could say anything else, his bratty baby sister walked over to them. "Rebekah? Should've known you'd run back here. Since the two of you conspired against me," Klaus gained a satisfied smirk when Marcel choked on his drink and Rebekah paled. He decided to leave with the last word, "Have fun sitting on my throne while you can." Marcel grew angry, "This is my city!" Rebekah, for once, kept quiet since she knew she royally screwed up.

A very irritated Hybrid stormed into the home they procured. The others knew when he was like this to leave him be. But Hayley. She had found him drinking in his art studio, "What happened? You were not this angry when you left?" Klaus slammed his drink down, "My adoptive son, who I thought was dead, and my baby sister plotted against me in 1919 and now it seems history is doomed to repeat." Hayley sighed as she came closer to Klaus, "What is it that you want to do?"

"It seems Marcellus has been running the city that my family and I built as the new king. I want it back. This city is my home. The one place my family thrived for quite some time before Mikael ruined everything. Only to find out my sister and Marcel were the ones to call him here," Klaus poured another drink and slumped onto the couch. Hayley joined him, "Well, how do you want to handle this? With brute force or maybe come to an agreement? Have Marcel run the city but you oversee him and everything. That way you have your city back but he still feels included enough to be important. Either way, you have your family with you."

Klaus thought on what Hayley suggested, "I'll take that into consideration, love. Marcellus and I are quite similar in our stubbornness. We will see how this plays out." Hayley nodded, kissed Klaus on the cheek and got up, "I'm going to see if the chef could make pasta. I've been craving it lately." "Hmm," Klaus is lost in thought.

Damon, Stefan, Caroline, and Bonnie were exploring the city when they were approached by a group of vampires that led them to Marcel. The so-called king looked over the group, "A human, witch, and two vampires. What a strange group?" Stefan pulled Caroline closer to him to try and shield her from the threat. Damon did the same with Bonnie, "Just enjoying the city." "Hmm, tourists," Marcel nods. "Well, we have rules in my city," Marcel was going to explain when his girlfriend interrupted. "Damon?" Rebekah was surprised. Damon huffed, "Rebekah."

"What are you doing here?" Rebekah sneered at Bonnie's closeness. Damon pulled his little witch closer to him, "Just moved with your brother." "Damon, I meant to call you," Rebekah tried to sound sincere. "Don't bother. You're not worth it," Damon guided Bonnie away from Marcel and his vampires, Stefan following with Caroline. They were almost to the door before being stopped by some of Marcel's goons. "Get out of our way," Damon growled. "We weren't done yet," Marcel now stood behind them. Damon faces him, "Oh but we are. We have nothing to say to either of you." Stefan and Damon quickly picked up their girls and whooshed out of there before any of them could react. None of them saw the jealousy and rage on Rebekah's face.

After everyone's encounter with Marcel, Davina and Kol revealed what they could about the previous timeline. It was decided that Klaus and Elijah would sit down with Marcel and try to negotiate without the threat of war. The conversation went as expected. Marcel refuses to give up the throne.

Damon had been cornered by Rebekah, "Why are you avoiding me?" Damon scoffed, "I thought I made it clear that there's nothing between us. You ran, I got over you. So, run back to Marcel and leave me alone." Rebekah kept blocking his escape, "You know, I could just snap the little witch's neck." "You go anywhere near Bonnie, and I'll stake you. Don't think I won't. Or I'll hand you over to Klaus since he found the daggers," Damon snapped her neck and took her body and dropped her at her brother's feet.

Klaus looked furious but puzzled so Damon clarified, "She threatened Bonnie. All because she expected me to be there as her side piece and I told her off." Klaus sighs, pulls out a dagger he keeps on him and daggered his sister. "She'll be in time out for the foreseeable future," Klaus picked her up and brought Rebekah to her coffin. Then Klaus left for date night with Hayley.

The two have been taking things to the next level in their relationship and Klaus couldn't be happier if a little impatient. He had never felt like this with any woman throughout his existence. Hayley made him feel appreciated and cared for. Klaus could say he cares deeply for Hayley and wanted to spend more time with her. Not knowing Hayley had a stalker who will stop at nothing to have Hayley for himself.

AN: Short chapter.  I changed Damon's love interest to Bonnie. Enzo/Cami or Enzo/Elijah? I didn't forget about Enzo. He is stalking Lucien at the moment. This story has a few chapters left. I never meant for this story to be long. Still have pregnancy, Jackson/NOLA witches, and Dahlia drama.

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