Chp 8

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After the revelation Niklaus dropped on his siblings that he is fertile, the Mikaelson siblings adjourned to their unfinished manor. Rebekah tried her best to 'help' with the interior design but Niklaus was not having it. After all, it was his house. Rebekah pouted and went to the Grill for a drink bumping into the one and only Damon Salvatore.

Damon remembered what happened the last time the two of them got drunk and did not want a repeat performance. At least, not in the sense of a drunken hate bang. He actually liked Barbie Klaus; she kept him on his toes and the banter was always entertaining. After spending a couple of hours at the Grill going through most of the Bourbon, Damon helped take Rebekah home. He knew how her big brothers would react and didn't want his heart torn out.

Over the next few weeks things were going smoothly, until a frantic Lexi called Stefan, "Hey, Lexi." "Stefan, I don't have much time to talk." Stefan gained another frown as he sat up straighter at his desk, "What's going on? Are you okay?" Lexi chuckled at her old friend's concern before she became serious, "I have been traveling with Lee and we are currently in the Appalachian Mountains. I saw some vampires snatch up a few loner wolves." Damon whooshed in; he was too nosy for his own good sometimes.

Damon knew about what happened with the Originals first sired and this may be Lucien's work. He spoke so Lexi could hear him, "Can you follow them?" "We did from a distance. They ended up at a place called Kingfisher," Lexi says quietly. "Are you there now?" Damon asked. Lexi nodded even though Damon couldn't see, then answered, "Yeah, the place is swarming with vampires. They brought in nine wolves. One of the women had to be heavily sedated when she ripped a vampire's heart out."

Smirking, Damon thought of one particular She-Wolf, "Just keep an eye on them. Don't get caught. We come there with back-up." "Alright, see you soon," Lexi hung up. Stefan asked Damon, "What's going on, Damon?" Damon went to grab his jacket, "It's one of those things that ends bad for all of us if we don't nip it in the butt now. Let's go see the Originals. They'll want in on this."

Elijah answered the door, "Damon? What do we owe for this unexpected visit?" Damon rubbed the back of his neck, "Yeah, sorry for not calling. Can we come in?" Elijah could sense his urgency and stepped aside. The three of them walked further into Mikaelson Manor. Klaus was sketching, Finn was reading, and Rebekah was painting her nails. Kol had just returned to the land of the living after having his neck snapped. He wanted to go on a killing spree, but Niklaus wouldn't let him.

Damon cleared his throat to get their attention, "Evening everyone. Sorry to disrupt but we just got a frantic phone call from a friend. She and her boyfriend stumbled upon your first sired and his company of psychopathic scientists. Lucien is capturing werewolves and experimenting with their venom." Klaus closed his sketchbook and stood up, "Experiments?" "Yeah, he plans to combine venom from the seven packs to create something that can't be cured. There's more to it but I wasn't around for it since it happened in New Orleans. Lexi described the actions of one of the wolves fighting to escape but ultimately lost. But not before ripping out a vampire's heart," Damon got their full attention now. He was mainly looking at Klaus when he said that hoping it would dawn on him.

"So...We get to kill some vampires?" Kol was bouncing on his toes wanting to rush out the door. Elijah sighed, "Let's get some more information first before we storm in." Damon snorted, "If you're talking about your group of snobbish bookworms then you might want to rethink that. They're in on everything already. Last time, Stefan and Hayley had to sneak into the Strix HQ riding in the trunk of a car. Stefan was marked by Reyna Cruz and used it to get her to attack the Strix. Again, something else on the agenda for later, but first Lucien."

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