Winter Freshman Year- 1

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Chapter 7

My first semester of college is officially over. I'm home in my childhood bedroom scrolling through social media when suddenly a text pops up from Cody asking if I want to grab coffee with him.

Sitting in a coffee shop isn't something we normally do together, but I gladly agree for the opportunity to get out of my house. The coffee shop is just down the street from Cody's house, so he's going to meet me there.

I change out of my sweats, not forgetting to grab my winter jacket on the way out of the house.

Cody picked a quaint little family run coffee shop. I notice it has a very homey feel to it as I'm hit with the aroma of coffee and baked goods on the way in.

Cody waves me over to a small table in the corner. "Hey Aves! I got your favorite," he calls me over.

"And just what might be my favorite," I tease him.

"Hot chocolate of course, dummy. I know you don't like coffee."

I smile at him because he really does know me.

"Here, take a seat," he pulls out the chair next to him so we can both look out the window and people watch.

It feels weird being this close to him after being away for so long. Of course we kept in touch, but it's not the same as seeing him at school every day. I can feel my full blown crush blooming again deep in my stomach.

I shiver slightly at the feeling and Cody puts a hand on my arm. "You okay buddy?" he asks.

And there it is. I'm swiftly brought back down to reality where Cody and I are nothing but "bud" and "buddy", friends for life.

We catch up for a while, joking about everything and having a great time. I forget about my feelings for him and just enjoy the moment. It's all I can do really.


The Christmas holiday passes in a blur. I see a few other friends and family members but mostly stay home simply enjoying the break from all the stress that school brings. My parents got me a new laptop for Christmas to use at school, which I greatly appreciate.

It's a couple days after Christmas when I get another text from Cody. It's weird because in our relationship he's not usually the one to reach out first, but I don't think too much of it.

Hey, Aves.

Hey! What's up?

You know that new movie that just came out? Wanna go see it?

Cody and I have never gone to the movies alone before. I always felt like movies were a bit too intimate for us. We're more drive around town blasting music or going to the mall type of friends.

Those butterflies start moving around in my stomach again before I quickly squash them. He's just a friend.

Sure. Who else is coming?

Just us this time. I've missed you the past few days and I want to get my Ava time in.

There go those darn butterflies again. I try to act cool.

Awesome, bud, I've missed you too!

He takes a moment before texting back.

How about I pick you up? The 'rents are letting me use the car finally.

Absolutely! What time is the movie?

It's at seven but I'll pick you up in thirty minutes if that's cool.

I look at the time and see it's only 5:30. Why does he need to pick me up so early? Maybe he wants to walk around the shops before the movie or run an errand together. I brush it off as Cody just being Cody.

Sounds good! See you soon!

I jump off my bed and decide to take a quick shower since I hadn't yet after my workout this afternoon. Even if it's just Cody, I can't show up smelling like the inside of a gym sock.

After my shower, I blow dry my hair and debate putting on makeup. Cody hasn't really seen me get all dolled up since I learned how to do all of that from my friends. I decide to just put on some mascara as a middle ground.

I throw on some jeans and a tshirt before I could second guess wearing something cuter. I look in the floor length mirror in my room and I just see Ava. I'm just Cody's Ava still, nothing more than his buddy.

My phone buzzes and I know Cody is here. I grab my purse and phone before running out the door. I can't help but give Cody a big grin as he's leaning against his parents' car. His smile alone could brighten anyone's day.

"I finally convinced them to let me borrow the wheels. Pretty sweet, huh?"

I chuckle at his excitement before meeting him at the car.

He pulls me into a tight hug and whispers into my hair, "I'm so glad I've got you Aves."

I give him a quick awkward squeeze back before starting to pull away.

"You'll always have me, Cody."

I smile up at him while he's still hugging me and start to pull away. He resists slightly but seems to catch himself.

"Let me get the door, m'lady," Cody bows before opening the passenger door for me.

"Thank you kind sir," I curtsey back at him before we both break into laughter and I sit in his car.

He jogs around to the driver's side and starts the car.

"So where are we off to?" I ask.

"I thought we'd grab dinner before the movie. Sound good?"

Dinner and a movie? Why does that sound like...a date?

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