Spring Freshman Year- 2

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Chapter 13

The next morning I wake up to a good morning text from Theo and that sets the tone for the rest of the week. We text on and off between classes mostly just talking about our days. Every morning he texts me good morning and every night he texts me goodnight. I'm starting to get used to this and it's all coming easier to me now.

So how about this weekend? You wanna come over to the house and hang out before the party?

Yeah, that sounds like fun =)

Great, I'm looking forward to it ;)

Saturday finally rolls around and I'm seriously debating my sanity as Lizzy and Clarissa are getting me ready for my first official hang out with Theo.

"You're gonna be fine," Clarissa soothes me with her calming voice.

"No, you're gonna get laid!" Lizzy chimes in as she finishes straightening my hair.

The thought of that happening is slightly terrifying, but I know I can put a limit on how far I'm willing to go with him. He seems like a super respectful guy.

I'm finishing up my makeup in the full length mirror and step back to give myself a once over. I'm wearing jeans and a tight fitting white tank top with lacy designs all over it. I pair it with a jean jacket since it's so cold out and we live a ways away from the frat house.

"It's all gonna be fine," Clarissa tries to soothe me again. "We'll be heading over in an hour or so and you can tell us all about it."

"And if it doesn't go well?" I ask as I feel my nerves start to show up again.

"It's going to be amazing," Lizzy scolds me. "But if for some reason you're uncomfortable, we'll take you home."

"Thanks guys. You're so amazing."

"I know we are," Lizzy jokes, though she's probably not joking.

"Now it's time for you to get that booty on the road," she says, slapping me on the ass.

I look at the time and it's nearly eight o'clock. I told Theo I'd meet him at the door to the frat house at eight, so it really is time for me to go. I give Clarissa and Lizzy hugs thanking them for all their help before I grab my phone and keys and head out the door.

Although the walk is cold, I still feel warm from my nerves. Thankfully, it's abundantly clear that Theo is interested in me after the past week of talking. I like to think I've made it pretty clear that I return his feelings as well. I'm just hoping this all works out. I've never had a boyfriend before and I'm thinking Theo could be my first.

As I look into the distance, I can see Theo standing at the door.

"Let's go, cutie. Get that butt over here. It's cold out."

I see him grinning and pick up my pace. As I reach him, he wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me into a tight hug.

"It's good to see you," he smiles as he loosens his grip.

"It's good to see you too," I smile shyly at him.

He chuckles at my shyness. "Come on, I'll show you my room. The nice thing about living in the house is that we each get our own rooms. No pesky roommates bothering us all the time," he winks at me.

"Ugh, I wish I didn't have a roommate," I sigh. "Mine is a nightmare. I spend most of my time in Lizzy and Clarissa's room avoiding her but thankfully she's gone a lot."

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