Summer Before Senior Year- 2

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Chapter 46

The girls are all over me the next morning trying to get details about what happened with CJ. When I tell them about how we met and what we talked about they groan in annoyance.

"You should've kissed him!" Margo complains. "I mean, did you see him? He is the embodiment of sex appeal. You need to climb that man like a tree."

I gape at Margo.

"She's not wrong," Shelby chimes in.

I have to agree with them on this one. CJ is undoubtedly hot. I just don't know if he is into me that way. I know we got close on the couch, but we were also drinking, so our inhibitions were lower.

"I'm just gonna wait and see on this one, guys. I don't want to jump the gun on anything."

The girls nod in agreement and we start to get ready. Leah insists on curling my hair today. She says she wants me to look sexy for CJ. I grudgingly agree, but tell her to keep it as natural as possible. I don't let Margo do my makeup. I think that would be too much. I keep it simple with some mascara and a tinted lip balm.

The girls do a few shots before we head out for the day. I'm tempted to go straight to the campsite to see if I can find CJ, but I don't want to come on too strong. Also, some of the bands I actually know are performing today, so I don't want to miss their sets.

We arrive a few minutes later and head straight for the stage. It's not too crowded this early in the day, so we're able to get a spot up close.

As the day carries on, it becomes more and more crowded. Some of the other girls meet up with us and bring a few guys with them as well. I crane my neck looking for CJ, but he's nowhere to be found. You'd think I could find a six foot seven guy in a crowd anywhere. I sigh, realizing that maybe it really was just a one night thing.

I'm keeping my buzz going throughout the day, so I'm feeling good along with everyone else. Just as a new band comes on stage, I feel hands grip my waist. My knee jerk reaction is to elbow the person in the chest, but I resist when I hear the person's voice.

"Hey sweet cheeks, I thought I'd find you here."

I turn around in CJ's grip and give him a big smile. He returns the smile, not letting go of my waist.

"How'd you find me?"

We're pretty far up in the crowd, so it must have been hard for him to make it here.

"I had my boy Brody give me the details," he gestures towards another one of the guys who's been hanging out with us. "Plus, it doesn't hurt to be this tall. I was able to pick you out of the crowd within seconds."

I blush knowing he was looking for me.

Today I'm wearing a thin plaid shirt tied up over a white crop top with my jean shorts. It's the most country thing I own. CJ is looking very country on the other hand. He's wearing well worn light wash jeans with cowboy boots, an unbuttoned plaid shirt with the sleeves cut off, and a cowboy hat. I swoon just looking at him. I try not to stare, but my gaze is automatically drawn to his chest and abs. It's not that everything is super defined, but he's just pure muscle. I'm surprised he can find clothes that fit him with how he's built.

"My eyes are up here, darlin'," CJ jokes as he tilts my chin up with one finger.

I can see a twinkle in his eye as he makes fun of me.

"I was not-"

"You were. Don't lie," he winks at me.

I try to stutter out an excuse, but can't think of anything logical to say. He's right. I was checking him out. My face is burning up at this point and I feel incredibly awkward.

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