Spring Sophomore Year- 5

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Chapter 29

I leave my last class on Friday and head straight for my car. I'm sad about the Theo situation and the fact that we may have broken up yesterday, but I can't let that ruin Cody's weekend. I won't let it.

I packed up my car this morning, so I'm ready to hit the road. It's an hour and a half drive, so I turn on some music and belt it out. Being alone with my thoughts and listening to never ending love songs makes it hard to not think about Theo so I call my mom to pass the time. We catch up on the past week's events, though I leave out any talk about Theo.

Before long, I've made it to Cody's dorm. He's anxiously waiting for me on a bench outside the building. As soon as he sees my car pull up, he jumps off the bench and runs to the parking lot. Just like I did when he visited, he rips open my door and pulls me into a bear hug.

"I've missed you, Aves. It's been too long. I'm so glad you're here."

"I've missed you too, Cody. I wouldn't miss your birthday for anything."

Not even for my boyfriend, I think to myself. Though I don't even know if Theo is my boyfriend anymore. He told me to choose and I didn't choose him. I'm not sure what I'll be coming back to on Sunday. If Theo doesn't call me, then I guess we're done. The thought is sobering and I can tell Cody notices my change in mood.

I shake my head to clear all thoughts of Theo and plaster a grin on my face. "Let's get this party started!"

Cody chuckles before grabbing my bag from the back seat.

"After you, m'lady."

"Thank you kind sir."

We both start laughing at how dorky we can be and head up to his dorm room. I have to admit, he did a great job decorating. There's color changing led lights around the room and he has some laser lights dancing around the ceiling to the beat of his music. You could for sure throw a rave in here...a very small rave, but a rave nonetheless.

Cody sets my bag down on one of the beds and I assume it belongs to his roommate.

"Zach won't be back until Sunday night, so the bed is all yours. And before you ask, yes I washed everything, so it's all clean for you."

I give him a quick hug, "Thanks, bud. You're the best."

It's nearly six at night, so Cody and I order some pizza and start to pregame. By eight, we're both dancing around the room, tipsy as fuck. Cody turned on his blacklight, so we're both wearing stupid accessories that glow in the light. I have a glowstick necklace on my head and Cody is wearing green glowing glasses on his face.

We take a few pictures with each other and post them to social media. My favorite one is of the two of us hugging. We look so stinking cute.

I get changed into some jeans and a tank top with my trusty black boots. Guys have it so much easier. Cody decides to just go out in his jeans and a plain white tshirt. He looks amazing of course and I still have to do my hair and makeup.

I decide to throw my hair in a side braid and put on a shit ton of makeup to cover up the fact that I spent the last night crying over Theo. I quickly remind myself we aren't thinking about him this weekend. This is Cody's weekend.

Once I'm finally ready, Cody gives me a once over. "You look smokin', Aves. The guys are gonna eat you up. Too bad you have that scuzzy boyfriend of yours."

"Actually," I start and Cody looks at me with wide eyes. "We might have broken up yesterday. I'm not sure."

"Shit, Aves. What happened?"

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