Winter Junior Year- 1

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Chapter 39

It feels good to be home for winter break. As much as I love school, things have been just a little stressful lately. Bryan has been a good stress reliever though. I never thought I would be the casual hookup type of girl, but in all honesty, it's the most stable thing I've had in a while. I know exactly what I'm getting out of it and so does he.

I've only been home for a couple days, and my schedule is already filling up. I've got family events, workouts with Chase, and a few get-togethers with my high school friends.

Today is my day with Cody though. We're going to go to the mall to shop for Christmas presents, grab some dinner, then hang out at his house since his parents aren't home this weekend.

It's so nice to be able to hang out with Cody without worrying that Theo will get mad at me or constantly check up on me. This is how hanging out with your best friend should be.

I finish my workout around eleven thirty and Cody picks me up around one in the afternoon. I'm wearing leggings, fuzzy socks with boots, and a cute sweater. I threw on a knit beanie to complete the outfit since I left my hair down. I have to admit, I'm looking cute. Cody and I will have to take some pictures together at the mall today.

He's got on jeans and a tshirt with a flannel layered on top. He's always so effortlessly handsome.

It's been a few months since I've seen Cody and he's looking more grown up. His hair is well styled and his jaw is sharper. He's grown a bit of stubble and it's giving him that ruggedly handsome look. I'm trying not to drool over him, but as soon as he catches my eye, he knows I've been staring at him.

"What? Is there something on my face?" he jokes as he strokes his stubbled chin.

"Cody," I start, not knowing what to say next. "You look..."

"Hot? Sexy? Handsome? Undeniably attractive?" he smirks.

I laugh at his theatrics and decide for once to just be honest. "All of the above, bud. Emily is a lucky girl."

"Yeah, about that Aves, Emily and I broke up a couple weeks ago."

My jaw drops at his confession. "Why didn't you tell me? I thought we told each other everything?"

"It just happened I guess. We grew apart and that was that. I'm okay with it. She's okay with it. Neither one of us is upset."

"Still, Cody, it's tough to go through a breakup alone. You can always call me."

Cody gives me a bright smile and I'm practically swooning in my seat. "I know Aves. I've always got you."

We get to the mall a few minutes later and I'm practically jumping in my seat with excitement. I love the mall at Christmastime. There's decorations everywhere and they're playing holiday music. Everyone is happy and buying presents for their loved ones. I just can't get enough of the holiday spirit.

Cody and I are lucky enough to find a close parking spot and we walk the short distance to the mall arm in arm. I've missed Cody so much.

"Can we take pictures in front of the Christmas tree first, Cody? Please?"

Cody chuckles, "Anything you want, Aves."

I grab his hand, dragging him off towards the middle of the mall where the giant Christmas tree can be found.

"Ugh, it just gets better and better every year," I groan when we arrive at our destination.

I suddenly become aware of the fact that Cody hasn't let go of my hand yet. I look down at our intertwined hands and back up at his face. He's looking up at the tree and doesn't notice I'm looking at him. Maybe he doesn't realize he's still holding my hand.

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