Spring Sophomore Year- 3

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Chapter 27

Hey weak sauce, how's your off season lifting routine going?

Chase checks in with me a few times a week to catch up and go over our workout routines with each other. Sometimes we give each other challenges and report back to each other on our progress. I've been a bit busy with Theo lately, so I have to admit, my workout routine has suffered from it.

No substantial increases. I added five pounds to my squat, but that's pretty negligible with how much I'm already lifting.

What's the hold up, Ava? You make better progress when you're sick than you've made the past few weeks.

Chase doesn't know about Theo. We don't have that kind of a friendship. We mostly talk about sports and lifting and I like to keep it that way. It's nice to have a workout buddy to push you.

You're right. I've just had a lot going on lately, but it's no excuse. I'm lucky I have you to keep my mind focused.

Damn straight. I look forward to hearing some big things this time next week.

I chuckle knowing that I can't make huge lifting increases in just a week, but Chase knows that too. He's just being a good friend.

I'm laying on my bed catching up with Chase, when my phone starts to ring. It's Cody. I quickly pick up the call.

"Hey bud! Long time no talk."

"Ugh, don't even get me started. I can't believe how crazy my classes have been this semester. Why didn't you tell me college was so hard?"

"Well it's not my fault you chose to be an engineering major," I joke with him.

"I should've listened to you, Aves. Math is overrated."

Cody is right. I hate math and I would go to great lengths to never have to sit through another math class again. Thank God my major doesn't require any math courses for my gen eds.

"Anyways," Cody changes the subject. "You know what next week is?"

"Hmm," I feign ignorance. "Is it national best friend day?"

"Ugh, why do you always do this, Ava? It's my birthday, loser. And you're coming out to visit me for it. No excuses."

I momentarily freeze knowing that Cody is a sore spot for Theo, but we've gotten so much stronger in our relationship lately, I think he'll be okay with me visiting Cody for a day or so.

"No excuses from me," I tell him. "What day should I head out your way?"

"Let's make a weekend of it. My roommate isn't going to be here, so you can crash on his bed."

"Ew, I don't want to sleep in some stinky dude bed."

"It's the only option you have, Aves. Take it or leave it," Cody deadpans.

"I'll take it. I'm only doing it for you though."

"Perfect! How about you head my way after your classes on Friday and then we'll party it up Friday and Saturday nights. We'll get desperately drunk and nurse our hangovers on Sunday morning before you head back to school. How does that sound?"

"Sounds dangerous...I'm so in."

Cody gives a hearty laugh in response and I tell him I'll see him in a few days. I figure I'll have to broach this topic with Theo eventually, but now isn't the time for that. We have a date planned for tonight and I don't want to risk upsetting him beforehand.


Theo and I have a good time on our date and are headed back to campus. I decide now is as good a time as any to broach the Cody topic with him since he's in a good mood and he's a captive audience with me in the car.

"Hey babe?"

"Yeah, baby?" Theo glances at me as he continues driving.

"Do we have anything we need to do next weekend?"

"Not that I can think of. Why?"

"Well Cody called today," I can see his body tense up at the mention of his name. "And his birthday is coming up so he wants me to come visit so we can celebrate. I'd head down on Friday after classes and be back Sunday afternoon."

"Are you asking me if you can go or telling me you're going?"

"I didn't think I needed to ask permission to go see my friends..." I trail off. This isn't going well.

"So you're just gonna go then?"

"That was my plan."

"And you didn't have a thought about how it would make me feel to have you off spending the night with another guy?"

"I wouldn't be spending the night with him, Theo. I'd have my own bed to sleep in and everything."

"And how do I know you're telling me the truth? Who's to say you're not lying to me just so you can jump into bed with your so-called 'best friend'."

As soon as he says it, I can tell he regrets it.

"Baby, I didn't mea-"

"Stop," I say, holding my hand up.

Luckily he listens and keeps his mouth shut.

"When have I ever given you a reason not to trust me? What have I ever done that would make you think I would ever do something with another guy? I think you're being a bit over the top with all this unwarranted jealousy and overprotectiveness."

Theo goes to say something but I cut him off again.

"I don't want you to say anything right now. I'm honestly too mad to listen to you spout off some bullshit excuse. Can you drop me at my dorm please?"

"I thought we were going to spend the night together," Theo pleads.

"Not tonight," I say with finality, keeping my gaze facing forward as he drives past his frat house towards my dorm.

As we pull up, I undo my seatbelt and reach for the door. Theo grabs my hand at the last moment and reluctantly I turn to look at him.

"Baby, please don't hate me. I don't know why I'm like this, but I can't stand the thought of you with other guys. Especially guys that I can tell have feelings for you. I don't know how you don't see it, but that boy is in love with you. You may be blind to it, but I'm not. After our time apart, all I can think of is holding onto you as tightly as I can. The thought of losing you again tears me apart. Please just listen to me. I don't want you to go stay with him. Maybe you and I can go down for the day to see him, anything else. But please don't choose him over me. I don't think I can handle it."

I'm dumbfounded that he would think I'd be choosing one over the other in this situation. It further infuriates me and I don't bother to respond to him. I pull my hand out of his grasp and shut the door, heading towards my dorm without looking back.

He's being irrational and it's getting on my nerves. I'm allowed to have guy friends and there doesn't have to be anything romantic between us.

I think back to what Theo said though. He thinks Cody has feelings for me. Deep down, I'll always love Cody and there's always this small sliver of hope that maybe we'll end up together in the end. My heart warms up slightly at the thought of that and I know I'm hopeless.

I don't know if Theo is my forever, but he is my right now and I do love him. If I really had to choose between Theo and Cody though, I already know what I'd have to do.

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