Winter Junior Year- 3

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Chapter 41

This year I decided to host my own Christmas party for all my friends. Today is finally the day and I'm so excited for everyone to come over to celebrate together. We'll be hanging out in the basement mostly since I don't need my parents checking up on us every five seconds.

I've decided to keep my outfit super casual this year. I'm wearing my black jeans and a cozy cable knit sweater. I throw on some fuzzy Christmas socks to tie everything together.

Not too long after I'm ready, my friends start to arrive.

After everything he's done for me, I've decided to invite Chase this year. We've become so much closer over the past few months and after him helping me out the other day, I just feel more connected to him. He wasn't sure if he could make it, but I hope he'll come.

We're all just sitting around on the couches catching up when Cody arrives. Everyone greets him warmly and he comes to sit beside me on the couch.

"Merry Christmas, Aves."

"Merry Christmas to you too, Cody."

"When do you want to exchange gifts?" he asks, pulling a small wrapped box from his pocket.

"Let's wait until everyone gets here. We can all exchange gifts then."

"I'd rather give you this when it's just you and me. Is that okay?"

I'm taken aback by Cody's admission, but I just give him a smile and agree.

Now that almost everyone has arrived, we decide to start our first activity, which is baking and decorating Christmas cookies. We all start making the batter and Cody goes to find the cookie cutters.

After a few minutes of mixing, the batter is at the right consistency and we let Cody roll it out. He's really a good baker. It's something we bond over sometimes because we both love to bake as much as we love to eat the baked goods we make.

As we're debating which cookie cutters to use, there's a knock at the door.

"I'll get it," Cody says. My house is basically his house by now anyways.

Cody walks out of the room and we finally decide to use the Christmas trees and candy cane cutters.

As I'm about to make the first cut, I hear Cody from the other room, "Who the fuck are you?"

My heart drops and I get a little worried about who could be at the door. I race over to where Cody is and see that he's holding the door open but blocking whoever is outside from entering. When I round the corner, I see that it's Chase.

"Chase!" I squeal as I run into his arms. "I can't believe you came!"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world, bumblebee," he gives me a quick kiss on the side of my head.

My face warms up knowing that Cody is watching our exchange. As if on cue, Cody clears his throat, "Ava, I didn't know anyone else was coming." He sounds tense and it makes me nervous.

Chase still has his arm around me when I go to introduce them, "Cody, this is my friend Chase. Chase, this is my friend Cody."

"Best friend," Cody corrects me.

I roll my eyes at him. "Yes, of course. Best friend," I correct myself. "Come on, let's go inside. It's cold out here. You're just in time, Chase. We're about to make some sugar cookies."

"Oh man, I love sugar cookies. Count me in."

I hear Cody grumble something behind me and I give him a glare before I mouth, Be nice, at him. He rolls his eyes but gives me a small nod.

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