Fall Sophomore Year- 3

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Chapter 21

Theo calls me the next morning like planned and we basically repeat our conversation from the night before. We decide that although we're not officially back together, we'll work on mending our relationship. He wants to ask me out again in person when he's back in the states and that way he can hold me and kiss me.

I'm swooning by the time I get off the phone with him. He promises to call again tonight, which would be early morning for him. The time difference is definitely difficult, but it'll all be worth it once Theo's back.

It's the last week of volleyball season before playoffs and everyone is pumped for our last home game. It's on a Friday night and I invited Cody out to come see me play. He's at school two hours away in the next state over, but he has a car with him, so it shouldn't be too difficult for him to make it here. We have a pull out couch that he can sleep on in our common area also. He says he's coming, but Cody has been known to say one thing and then do another, so I'm holding out hope.

I'm in the cafeteria eating lunch when I get the text that Cody is officially on his way. I can't contain my smile, which catches the attention of everyone at the table.

"What's got you all smiles over there? Did Theo give in and officially ask you out again?"

"No, it's not that. Cody is on his way out here!"

The girls get excited for me and tell me they can't wait to meet him. We finish up our lunch and head back to the dorms to get ready.

Two hours later, I'm waiting for Cody at the front door of my dorm. He should be here any minute. As soon as I see him pull into the parking lot, I'm sprinting his way. He barely has the car door open before I jump into his arms.

"I've missed you so much, bud! I can't believe you're really here!"

Cody hugs me back, swaying back and forth with me in his arms.

"I've missed you too, Aves. There's nowhere else I'd rather be. It's nice to have all this freedom now without the parents being on my ass all the time. They never would've let me drive all the way out here. College life really is the best."

I agree with him as he lets me out of his arms.

"Grab your stuff. I've gotta be in the gym in fifteen minutes and I want to get you settled in first. I've gotta introduce you to my roomies as well."

Cody grabs his bag from the back seat before saying, "Lead the way."

We jog up to my dorm room and I introduce Cody to Clarissa and Lizzy. I can see the spark in both their eyes, but they know he's off limits. Even if I have Theo, they know they can't date or hook up with my best friend. It's girl code.

Cody sets his bag down in my room and then we lead the way over to the gym. I show Cody where to sit in the stands and the three of us head off to the locker room.

Not too much later, we're all ready for the game. We can hear the crowd in the gym and it sounds huge. We usually have a pretty good crowd, but since it's the last game of the year, it should be even bigger.

We get through warm ups and then it's time to introduce the starting lineups. As I'd hoped, coach made me the starting rightside this year. I've proved myself on and off the court, so I know I won't let her down for our last home game.

When it's my turn to be introduced, Cody is the loudest one cheering for me. I happen to look to the side though and I see the football players are cheering for me as well, Lorenzo included. I fight back the scowl that wants to appear on my face and focus back on the game in front of me.

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