Winter Senior Year- 2

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Chapter 56

Hey bumblebee. I want to take you out on a date today. Be ready at noon. Wear something warm.

I wake up to a text from Chase this morning and look at the time to see I've got just over an hour to get ready. When I'm finally showered and ready to go, I head downstairs to grab something to eat.

"Whatcha all dressed up for honey?"

I look down at my outfit. I'm just wearing a white sweater and jeans. It's nothing fancy. "I'm going out with Chase."

"Chase? Didn't you just see him last night?" This catches my dad's attention. Great.

"Who is this Chase boy? Is he your boyfriend?"

I want to roll my eyes, but know better than to do that around my dad. Technically Chase is my boyfriend. Again, I don't want to lie. They'd see right through it.

"Well?" my dad prompts.

"Yes, Chase is my boyfriend."

"Why didn't you tell me that last night? You said you didn't know if you even liked him," my mom starts the interrogation. God, I just want to get out of this house.

"He asked me to be his girlfriend last night, so technically it wasn't official yet."

"I don't know how I feel about all this," my dad grumbles.

"Guys, I'm twenty-one years old. I'm not a child anymore," I huff in annoyance.

"You're a child as long as you live under my roof," my dad retorts.

"I'm sorry. I just mean, I'm old enough to make my own decisions. I know Chase is a good guy. Please just trust my judgment."

"I'll make my own decision. Bring him over for dinner tonight. Your brother is coming home today. That way we can all meet the boy."

"What if Chase can't make it?"

"He'll make it if he knows what's best for him," dad says and I know that means the conversation is over.

My dad and I have never gotten along. We just tend to butt heads all the time. My mom doesn't get in the middle or "pick sides" as she says, so she just stands by watching it all happen.

The thought of bringing Chase over for dinner tonight makes my stomach turn. There's a reason I didn't introduce them at my senior night. I try to keep my boyfriends as far away from my family as possible for this exact reason.

I grab a bowl of cereal and eat in silence until it's time for me to head out.

I'm outside, bumblebee.

As soon as I see the text, I'm up and running for the door.

"Be home by five thirty," my dad barks as I reach for my jacket.

"Okay," I respond, running out the door. I want to get out of here as soon as possible.

Chase is leaned up against his car waiting for me. "Hey baby." I swoon at the new nickname.

"Hey," I say as I arrive in front of him.

He leans down to give me a quick peck on the lips and then opens the door for me. I give him a shy smile and he rolls his eyes at me. "You're so cute," he mumbles as he shuts the door and runs around to his side.

Once he's in the car, we head out of the driveway.

"So where are we headed?"

"We're gonna do some winter activities," Chase responds and I give him a big grin.

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