Fall Junior Year- 3

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Chapter 37

Clarissa and Lizzy are proud and impressed that I got invited to a party while they were out of town. Normally I just tag along whenever they get invited to parties, but for once it's the other way around.

We start getting ready by blasting some music and taking a few shots. My stomach still doesn't feel the same after last weekend, so I'm definitely taking it light tonight. I throw on some jeans and a cute tank top and pair it with my fake leather jacket. As excited as I am for this party, I'm not sure if I'm really trying to impress this Bryan character.

"Want me to do your hair?" Lizzy asks from the other side of the room.

"Nah," I brush her off. "I'm just keeping it casual this weekend."

"You don't want to try to knock the socks off this Bryan guy?" Clarissa chimes in.

"Nope, if he doesn't like me like this, then it's his loss," I counter.

"Damn, our girl's got some sass in her," Lizzy snaps her fingers dramatically.

"I'm just over the whole dating scene," I sigh.

"Totally understandable," Clarissa says. "You've really been through it the past few years."

"Don't I know it..." I grumble under my breath.

I know I'm still young, but I feel like I've lived a few lifetimes' worth of dating experiences in the past three years. I've had my first kiss, my first relationship, my first breakup, my first casual hookup. What else is there to experience? I know the answer to that question and I'm definitely not ready for that.

We walk the couple blocks to the guys' dorm and one of the baseball players comes out to let us in. That's strike one against Bryan. He didn't even meet us at the door himself.

We get up to the room and the guys all greet us. Some guys are playing beer pong in the main room and there's some music on, but most of the guys are in one of the rooms sitting around watching a baseball game.

"Hey guys," we greet them as we walk into the room.

Everyone looks at us briefly and nods in our direction before looking back at the tv. It must be some game if they're this focused on it.

"Hey Ava," Bryan addresses me personally and beckons me over to his side. "Why don't you grab a beer and take a seat while we watch the rest of the game?"

I grab a beer then look around the room. There's nowhere to sit.

Bryan gives me a devilish grin before gesturing to his lap. "This seat's available."

It's cocky and I don't know if I'm into it or not. I have to make a split second decision and Lizzy giving me a push is all it takes to go over and actually sit on his lap.

I'm instantly uncomfortable as he wraps his arm around my waist. I sit there for almost a half hour until the game is over and immediately jump up once the game ends.

"Now let's get this party really started," one of the guys calls out as he turns the music up.

Everyone cheers except for me. Why did they invite us over so early for the party if they were just going to sit around and watch baseball for the first hour? I roll my eyes internally thinking about how lame this "party" was already.

As I'm about to leave the room, I feel someone grab my hand and pull me back. Bryan pulls me to straddle him on his lap and wraps his arms around my waist.

"Now where do you think you're going, huh?" He trails his hands up my sides under my shirt and I have to admit this guy is smooth though I'm still not sold on him yet. "I was thinking we could get to know each other a little better. What do you say to that?"

I go to get off his lap, but he holds me in place, not letting me move an inch.

"Erm, yeah, that would be great. Don't you want me to move though?"

"Nope. This is exactly where I want you to be," he grins.

Damn this guy has balls. I stay straddling his lap as we both chat for a bit. He tells me some stories about his baseball experiences as he lightly caresses my sides. I regale him with some volleyball stories and we're both laughing by the end of the night.

I can't believe how fast the time passed and all we did was sit and talk the whole time. I also can't believe I stayed on his lap like this the whole time and he didn't make a move. Maybe he's actually not into me. The whole sitting on his lap thing would be weird if he wasn't though. This guy is confusing.

The party is winding down and it's about time for me to head out. Bryan seems to realize this and he pulls me in closer so he can whisper in my ear.

"I'd like to see you again sometime. Alone, preferably."

A shiver runs down my spine at his insinuation.

"I'm not really looking for a relationship right now," I lie.

"Neither am I," Bryan says as he pulls back and winks at me.

I suck in a breath at his insinuation. He just wants to do a casual hookup situation. No strings attached. This would definitely be something new for me if I tried it.

I think about it momentarily. Maybe it's not the right time for a relationship. Maybe it's time to try something different.

I don't even think before simply responding, "Cool."

"I'll text you then," he says before allowing me to get off his lap.

He doesn't walk me to the door or text me goodnight. He's not in this for the emotions I realize. All he wants is a physical relationship. Maybe I was wrong before. Maybe this is exactly what I need as well.

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