trouble in the clownzy department.

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if you want the the layout for the school entrance it's like the Yandere simulator's entrance if you've ever played/watched it. I've done both

clowns pov: 

as I and branzy walked into the school just like everyone else was we saw an unusual trio...

Delilah was with Maddy and lincu? Now I had to double-check that. the last time I ever heard ANY of Delilah and her friends coming close to Lincu and Maddy was all of the times they just bullied them.

so now Delilah's all friendly with Maddy and Lincu. yeah no that's not right. if I know Delilah she doesn't just become friendly with people after she and her friends collectively bullied them.

I looked at branzy. he was getting and putting his things in his locker.  

I then looked back at where the three were and they had disappeared. I brushed it off and faced my locker. 

we heard that loudspeaker thing come on like all of the schools.

"ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS." Everyone quieted down. "PLEASE REPORT TO THE AUDITORIUM FOR A SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT!" this female voice shouted. I don't see why they shouted though- it's a literal loudspeaker. Everyone can hear you- 

Everyone started to mumble about what it could be. branzy looked at me. "What do you think it is clown?" he asked as I closed my locker. 

"Don't know." I shrugged my shoulder. "I mean, they said an announcement so maybe an announcement"  

"What do you think the announcement is?" he rephrased it.

"No idea." 

"Okay well new school year clown! what do you think is gonna happen this year???" he replied joyfully. "Personally I think I'll pass Lincu and be the best scientist in this school! what do you think clown?" 

"Maybe I'll that pyro guy who thinks he's so tough will get a reality check." I really wanted that to happen. I hate that Pyro guy. A LOT. 

"That's fair? I guess.." branzy responded as we started to walk to the auditorium with the crowd.

it got loud. quickly. mostly cause of this Tommy guy. 

when we entered the auditorium it was so different. different then last year. 

if i had to describe it then it'll take up to much space. so i'll just say this: what the fuck have they done to the auditorium.  

everyone was pretty confused. we all starrted sitting on the new and improved bench's. i sat with branzy on the top benches of course. i looked down to see delilah , lincu , and maddy still together. actually talking?

well that was surely unusual. 

i turned to branzy. "notice anything a bit off about the groups here..?" 

he examined the whole auditorium. "no?" 

"you sureeee branzyyyy????" 

he looked over the place again. "no-clown what is it?" 

i tilted my head over to delilah , lincu , and maddy. he looked there and immetiatly understood. 

"ohhhh....OHHH thats-very unusual..."  

i nodded my head as the principle came up on the stage infront of us. 

he cleared his throat. 

"good morning , academic high schoolers. i am mr watson if you are new. (first one to guess who the principle is gets a free spoiler :)) ) notice anything particularly different?" principle watson said. 

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