he loves him.

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(sorry if none of this is accurate btw)) 

(I'm using some of my Twitter moots's headcanons btw)

planet's pov: 

I woke up in the presence of my brother, spoke. well..twin.

we don't share a room but somehow he always ends up creepily staring at me whenever I get up.

"go away. creep" I mumbled as I started to get up. 

"Mom wants us in the living room in..." he checked his wrist. I guess he had imagined a watch being there or something. I don't know he's just weird. "30 SECONDS! LAST ONE THERE IS A ROTTEN EGG" 

goodness, he's so childish. like-- 'the last one there is a rotten egg?' who even does that any more? I haven't done that since at least 3rd grade. 

we're 16 now! I keep telling him to stop being childish. it's ruining our reputation around the school! (yeah I'm gonna make Planet a bratty bitch brother. why?) 

I got up and got dressed before obeying my brother's rules. I put my space hoodie on with some dark blue jeans. then I packed my backpack up and went after my brother. 

"planet! spoke said you called him a creep?" my mom shouted at me as I ran downstairs. She saw me I don't know why she shouted.

"oh, uh-he was literally watching me sleep," I said as I ran into the kitchen. "I had to" 

that was a lie. I didn't HAVE to. I just wanted to for fun. I like to bully my brother. sure, he is weird but that's why I bully him.

my mom sighed. "okay then boys." she sat down and paused the TV. "your father's at work I'm sure he'll pick you up today after school." my mom and dad are divorced. they have split custody of me and spoke. 

"so don't bother to ask me to pick you up." 

as I finished the blueberry muffin I had picked up for breakfast, my mom stopped talking too. 

"Alright!" spoke spoke (haha) as he opened the door. I saw the bus outside and sprinted out of the door. 

we boarded the bus together. we were expecting Ash to be there since he had told us the day prior he was gonna be there. 

but there was no ash anywhere. we had assumed he was getting driven to school privately or something so we just sat down. 

as the bus drove around the neighborhood and passed Ash's house I saw him hanging out with Zam and Delilah. 

"oh well that's where Ash is, spoke," I said turning to my brother. he was sitting right next to me. 

"oh-okay well we don't neeeeed ash" he stood up and made his way to Clown's chair. clown was sitting with Branzy. 

"wait-spoke-" I mumbled as he got closer to clown's chair. 

after like probably a second he was in front of both of them talking to them.

that is literally the most cold-hearted person in this school and his..."friend" and my twin brother are talking to them. 

I mentally face-palmed and made my way over there. 

I sighed before speaking. "hi clown and branzy... Sorry, my brother's over here probably annoying you or something. I'll get him"

"no, it's alright. the kid can stay I guess" Clown replied. no way.

branzy looked at clown. probably confused.

clowns pov: 

"clown what are you doing?" branzy whispered to me. "you said-"

"I can stay?!" Spoke exclaimed in excitement.

"yeah you can stay. Sit there" I said pointing to the two seats across the isle from us. "you too planet."

Planet was confused I assumed.

"Me?" He asked.

"mhm" I only let them stay cause of the day I've been having.

A bad one.

"clownnnn" branzy repeated thinking he'd get my attention. I mean-he DID get my attention but I just ignored him.

As spoke sat down he started talking about things he liked and everything else. Planet just sat down uncomfortably.

"clown" branzy whispered to me. He took my hand and tugged it a bit.

No-one could see cause it was on the right side where branzy was sitting. The window seat.

My face slowly got red. I took his hand and we interlocked fingers.

I could feel his warm smile looking at me.

I couldn't help but smile aswell.

I took my eyes off of spoke and turned to the beautiful boy beside me.

Goodness how I wanted to kiss him.

"And-clown? Are you even listeninggg?" Spoke said cutting himself off.

"hm?" I turned to him. "Oh yeah what were you saying?"

"You werenttttt" spoke replied as the bus pulled into the school and everyone started exiting.

"oh there's the school! cya spoke!" I said taking a grip on branzy's hand and running off the bus. Dragging branzy with me.

Planet's pov:

I had put my headphones on so I couldn't hear a thing anyone was saying.

When it came to all of us exiting the bus I saw something strange though.

I looked at clown and branzy and then looked down. I got a glimpse of something though.

Branzy and clown's hands were interlocked. Like it looked like clown was never gonna let go.

Was it just bromance?

I don't knowwww? I just know that clown would NEVER hold someone's hand.

It looked very tight. He would never hold someone's hand THAT TIGHT. I know clown.

He wouldnt.

906 words! So I've decided to make spoke a super energetic kid at this point so if your wondering why he's so energetic that's why.

ok so ima start to probably release chapters more slower due to me wanting to make my stories the most detailed thing in earth so yeah! :3


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