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just a heads up I don't ship anyone irl. So if there are ships in this smp like Clownzy I don't ship them irl and never will.  

tommys pov: (yes as a tommyinnit stan I will have to put tommy in this :3 IT'LL BE A SHORT POV THO) 

"EYYYYY TUBBOOOOO!" I shouted as I came up from behind him. putting my arms around his shoulder. 

he was with this girl with split brown and blonde hair. brown at the top and blonde at the bottom. 

"Oh hey, tom" tubbo replied as he looked back.

I looked at the girl with him. "Who's that??" 

The girl looked straight back at me. "Uhmm I should get going. magic told me that she and graecie needed help setting something up. bye, Toby!" 

I wondered who the girl was. 

"Oh okay! bye, bek!" tubbo replied as the girl walked off behind some tree. 

I turned to tubbo. "Who is that??" 

"Oh, that's bek! you haven't met her?" 

"No? And who was just uhhh..graecie person she was talking about??" I replied back.

"well that's our friend! well-not yours considering the fact you have no idea who she is.." He said.

"okay well wanna go with me and eryn????"

"Uhh no thanks tom. Classes are about to start." He replied.

"your kinda borin' now mate." I mumbled. I wasn't expecting him o hear it but I guess he did.

"oh. sorry." He grumbled as he walked away.

I had just made tubbo mad. tubbo mad is basically tubbo depressed.

graecie's pov:

Me and magic was gonna plan a party! Yes , a party!

"graecie!" Magic ran over to me. I had a picnic set out behind the tree. No idea why cause school was about to start in 1 hour and a half.

"magic!!!" I shouted.

"so what did u want me for?" she asked.

"right cmere cmere" magic got closer. "Do you wanna host a party with me?" I whispered.

Magic gasped. "A party? but-when?"

"I dont know. but soup's gonna help us! pleaseeee magic???"

"yeah! sure" she mumbled back.

Owens pov:

I tried to run into the school but someone stopped me.

"hey kid you can't go in right now." The principle said. The principle was Lio Berry. His daughter goes to this school. I think her name issss...Maddy berry? And I think his son also goes to this school as well. I don't remember his name but I just know it starts with a L.

"but two people just went in" I Muttered.

"no. kid , don't make up pointless excuses. now go."

"but sir-" I argued back before getting cut off.

"one more word and you'll have detention." he said back.

I looked at him and walked away.

so how was I gonna get them.


"OH COME BACKK" I shouted as I and krow ran through the halls of the school.

"NOOOO" it screamed at the top of its lungs. HOW DID NOONE HEAR THAT??

I slowly caught up to it and tackled it to the ground."HA! FUCKING GOT YAAAA!"

"YOU ARE SO SLOW! IT TOOK U THAT LONG TO CATCH UP TO ME???" krow yelled once again. I was so confused on how people didn't hear us.

"WELL I DIDDDD!" I shouted back.

"FUCK YOUUUU" it pushed me off of it and started running again. it was gonna run out the backdoor exit until someone stopped it.

I was gonna run after it but again , someone stopped it.

"and just what do you think you two are doing?" One of the teachers asked. jumping infront of krow.

Krow looked back at me. It gave me a 'run' look. I immediately understood and started carefully walking back. 

Krow started RUNNING. Like very fast. I started running after it. No way was I gonna get in trouble and krow gets out. NOOOO WAYYYYYY.

as I and krow ran through the halls of the school I wondered where we were going. I mean , I was only following krow. I had no idea where we were going.

It ran out of a back door. I ran after it.

once we were outside I yelled. "WHERE THE FUCK ARE WE GOING????"

"I DONT KNOW? WHY WOULD YOU FOLLOW ME?" it looked back at me.


I looked back and the teacher was running after us. "FUCK WE'RE BEING CHASEDDDDD" I shouted to alert krow but someone had already seen it.

Soon , we were caught and in detention.

well thats a good way to start the school year!

759 words! sry for not writing muchhh- reminder that I have a twitter: nicolas_tvee

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