beautiful boy

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Tommy's pov: (yes :3)

I sat next to this kid named 'Mumbo' as we all got ready to take this math test.

what were they even thinking when they thought of a MATH TEST? ON THE FIRST DAY.

who even made math anyway?! It's shit!


The teacher started to rearrange the desks so that they were more far out. Far from everyone else so that no one would cheat.

"Thomas and Mumbo stand up please" the teacher, Mrs Emma asked of me.

She then moved my desk to the front corner in front of the security camera.

I guess she knew I would try to chest so she would catch me in the act.

About 8 minutes later we started the test.

once we started the test I was SCREWED. it was on things we had learned last semester but I forgot everything.

5 minutes after we started the test, 2 people came in late.

I immediately recognized the people as the people who were making out in my mother's room when I had that end-of-grade house party.

My mom was not happy to see the two.

"ah clown, branzy. You're late. What's the meaning?" Mrs Emma asked.

As the two boys explained I thought about their names.

Clown and branzy?

First off who names their child "Clown" was this kid just hated as a child? Does his parents even love him?

Branzy? Where the living fuck did the name branzy come from?! These kids are probably NOT loved at all.

Clown and branzy goodness...weird names for weird homosexuals I guess.

Clowns pov:

I and branzy stepped out of the house into the backyard. it had rained before so the backyard was really wet.

luckily my sister wasn't there so we could open the gate safely without her hearing. that's exactly what we did.

as we walked down the pavement towards the school branzy stopped in front of a small flower shack. 

it was a store where they sold flowers.

"woah clown look! a flower store!" he exclaimed as he opened the door.

"wait branzy we'll be late though!" I shouted being the responsible one there.

"no, we won't. C'mon clown!" he replied as he went into the shack. holding the door for me.

I went into the shack with branzy. I mean - not to get flowers of care of him. yeah, to take care of him! but there were so many cool flowers in there...

nuh uh, I couldn't get sidetracked. I and bra-oh I got sidetracked.

"woah clown do you see these nice roses?" he spoke, observing the beautiful dark red roses. 

the store on the outside was really ugly. like it was a broken-down house! but the inside was....god the inside was cool. really cool.

there were flowers everywhere.  they weren't fake too.

I walked over to where he was. "oh yeah they are....really beautiful actually" I picked them up and placed them on the counter to buy. 

"wait-i never said we were buying anything clown?" branzy voiced as I got my wallet out of my backpack.

"how much are these flowers?" I asked the lady at the front completely ignoring Branzy's question.

"3.09$" the lady responded. 

I got the money out and continued to pay for the roses. 

I turned around to branzy and gave him the roses. "beautiful flowers for a beautiful boy right?"

"aw-clown I'm flustered" branzy replied as he slowly turned red. 

I stepped out of the shack holding the door for branzy. he stepped out as well. 

he put the roses i gave him in his pocket and we started to walk down the pavement again.

575 words. ajdeiod i have no ideas give me ideas plsssss aaaa not just clownzy ideas toooooooooooo criesssssss

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2023 ⏰

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