writing your name

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graecies pov: 

as the bell rang for everyone to get to their classes a weird message was displayed on the loudspeaker. 


everyone murmured and whispered in confusion. I already knew what it was though.

my stepmother is the vice principal of the school I go to. so sometimes I get little spoilers of what's going to happen.

I was hanging out with Magic and Eloise and of course, they had no idea what was going on.

"huh?" magic mumbled. "what's happening?" she added as many people started to close their lockers.

I put on a  smile and ran to the auditorium in front of Magic and soup.

but I got stopped right in front of the door.

"graecie. come, follow me" a person with brown hair and green eyes said. I knew the person. pretty well actually. that was my father. 

magic and Eloise didn't notice so I just quietly followed him without asking any questions.

Once we got to the principal's office he stopped.

"graecie I uh-" he searched his desk for something. He got out a piece of paper and a pen. "-sign here please"

I looked at him confused. What was I signing for? "What ie this?" I picked the pen up but didn't sign.

"its-..don't ask alright? Just sign now or your grounded" I flinched at the sudden change of tone.

My father has never been like that.

He wasnt drunk or anything that's practically illegal at a school.

I slowly sat down and signed the paper at the bottom. It was a blank piece of paper. I had no idea why I was signing a blank piece of paper.

But I did.

I wrote my name In cursive at the bottom.


I looked at my dad who was sweating. Shaking.

"dad?" I leaned into the desk. "Are you oka-"

He pulled back when I tried to help him. "Yes I am okay." He got his phone out. "where's your sisters."

"i-i know that phenelope's at school and..."

"good." He cut me off.

I tilted my head in confusion. "Dad are you seriously okay?"

"yes now get back to your class. Your mom would be mad if she found out you werent at class."

I shook my head and quickly ran out of the office.

I ran into the auditorium hoping no-one would notice me.

No-one did so I just sat down next to magic and soup then moved on.

425 words. this and another chapter will be posted today <3

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