school (idk whats to name this HALEP)

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(btw This highschool story probably wont be accurate cause Im homeschooled and know nothing about in person highschool-)

kaboodle pov: 

as everyone walked out of the auditorium and made their way to their classes I was thinking about how Clown and branzy tried to skip this but got caught.

god, that was funny to see my rival- clownpierce- get caught with his. . . I don't know what branzy and Clown are really.

about everyone knows their SOMETHING but we don't know WHAT they are. 

they're acting as if everyone didn't see them literally making out last year at that guy Tommy's end-of-grade party. 

even though like everyone was drunk we all still remembered it. 

I don't know if they know we do but we do alright.

I looked over at Maddy. I guess we still weren't on the best terms. ever since that same end-of-grade party, we haven't really been good.

I mean didn't do anything wrong! She was the one in the wrong there! 

it's her fault! not mine! . . .  right? 

yeah-no-no-no-that was-that was her fault! all-all her..fault..

okay pushing that aside.

I and Magic were best friends. I helped her through her worse times she helped me through mine..kinda..she'd try. 

magic has recently fallen into a...type of...bad state..

it was hard to get her out of bed and even pump her up with the energy she needed to get through the day. 

she usually comes with that starter pack every day but recently something has been off.

I mean she didn't talk to me for like...2 weeks? cause of a panic attack she had...

I've been trying to help her, I really am! and... I think it's working..? 

I don't know. I DON'T KNOW.


I did kinda wonder where clown was, though. along with branzy of course. 

those two just disappeared.

Clowns pov:

I and branzy "sat" in my room. Lips attached.

i kin of bit down onto his lip on accident (purpose) and maybe made it bleed.

"ow-clown-" he pulled out of the kiss.

I grabbed his chin. "You scared for some blood to be shared?" I said in a deep voice.

"When it huts, yeah" branzy replied. I could tell he was trying to be funny but didn't work on me.

"ha ur funny" i repositioned myself to the wall. "How are you doing today my lovely?" I looked at him.

Called him the names he liked to taunt him a bit.

He looked at me in a sudden..shock maybe? "Good how are you darling?"

I blushed a bit. "Oh your making me blush branzy"

"am i?" He got closer.

"your attempt at flirting is so bad." I said. As our faces were not long apart.

"what?!-no its not!"

"mhmmm" I got up from the bed. "Cmon. Get up" I held my hand out for him.


"we're going back to school." I replied being a responsible teen.

"oh maannnn but I wanna stay here with youuu!" he whined.

"c'mon we have a math test! And we've gotta face the actions of our consequences okayy? Now cmon!" I replied.

He sat there on th bed. "C'mon branzy! if you don't come you can come over this week again"

"But clownnn-"

"branzyy" I cut him off.

He huffed like a child "finee" he got up and started coming with me.

571 words. bro I had to get SOMETHING OUT. anyways here have some homosexuals just flirting 😭 ALSO ITS LIKE 3AM AND THERES 2-3 MORW HOURS UNTIL THE SUN RISES SO SIRRY IF THIS IS LIKE A CRACK CHAOTER-

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