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backgrounds! so I did this for my piratessmp story and it got good feedback +I had alot of fun with it so guess what. IM DOING THIS.

Explanation: so basically just the main characters of this story (clown , branzy , kaboodle , muu , ash , Zam , Delilah , Maddy , tubbo , graecie , owen , apo , krow)s MOST VIVID MEMORY FROM THEIR CHILDHOODS! now I said that some will be fluff in my piratessmp story AND UUHH...THERE WAS NO FLUFF-

so uh have fun :3

TW: bullying , homosexual's

as I walked into my fourth-grade class all the kids stared at me.

They bullied me cause I was "unusual" or "A freak" cause of my appearance. cause of my name.

I had natural white hair with some black and red highlights.
and very dark brown eyes to which some wondered if they were pitch black. I had a lot of scars by 2nd-grade cause of school fights or bullying.

I had been the victim of bullying for 7 full grades. first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh.

"Clown, you're late. What is the explanation?" Mrs. Otters asked as she put her ruler down.

"Sorry. Sleep schedule" I replied as I sat down at my desk.

"Clown this is your 3rd time in a row being late cause of sleep. If your late another time you gonna have to be suspended for a day." Mrs. Otters said back.

"It was only 10 minutes.." I mumbled to myself.

"Huh? What did you say?" she asked. Almost shouting.

I don't really like when people shout at me. I mean- I already have enough of that at home so I just kinda flinch when people scream or people shout at me. pretty tough right?

"Nothing.." I mumbled back as I got my book out of my desk.

the teacher rolled her eyes and continued with the lesson.

I noticed this kid in class. I hadn't seen them before. I was assuming they're new.

I looked at the person. They had white hair, just like me. And purple eyes.

They had a white oversized (I'm assuming) hoodie. with some cargo pants.

I heard the teacher call their name sometimes. And they would answer.

branzy. jeez if people bully me for having the name Clown then they will most certainly bully this kid for having the name Branzy.

I hadn't noticed I was just watching him. Like a creep until he looked back at me.

I immediately looked away and put my head down. Pretty sure I was blushing of some sort but I wiped the emotions away.

I wondered when the kid had joined the school. When the introduction was even given! why I would sleep in to miss it?

I also wondered why I cared so much about this kid...I mean-he was just a 10-year-old. Just like me!

And yet I cared. I wanted to become friends with him so when it was lunchtime I took my chance.

I walked up to the boy. "uh hey your branzy right?" I asked.

"oh-uh-yes! hi! What's your name??" He replied. He sounded like he was actually happy. I mean -most kids my age were but I knew for a certain I WAS NOT.

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