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2nd february; the beginning of a new friendship

today was like any other friday, waking up at 5am, 5 hours of school— scratch that it wasn't basic. i feel like it was a dream, me and arin were walking up the school stairs after interval. walking slowly as the crowd in front of us was big, not too far behind from my so called crush; that neither me nor my friends know the name of.

we made it to his floor the 2nd floor, my class was on the 3rd— the oxygen in my body is pulled out every single time. stepping on the first step of the staircase, i looked over my shoulder. a loud squeak leave my mouth as my eyes connect with my one and only crush! "fuck" i yell as i dash up the series of stairs right to the girls toilet, followed by a wheezing arin.

"what's going on" hana asks as she sees how red i am. "s-she made e-eye contact with him!" arin wheezes. hearing the newfound story, i receive a slap on the arm from eun-jung. pouting i look at her as a raise my hand to slap her forearm as well. hurting my ring finger which was broken since 3 weeks ago in the process. all the way to class was continuous teasing. entering the class i quickly made my way to my seat, not too far from the door.

"what happened" nari asks seeing the distress and blushing on my face.

"i'm dying" i sigh face planting my face onto my desk. "i made eye contact with him"

"woah!" the 'gang' says in union. embarrassed i look away, confused ryun asks who we were talking about.

"haewon's crush!" an enthusiastic hyun-joo chimes, as ryun "ohh" weirdly smirking at me.

"show me him" she adds.

i turn my body towards my friend nari, looking her at the eye, "did you find his name yet?" i asked. she did her usual smirky face before saying "yeah, its yukhei".

yukhei? is he foreign... his name doesn't sound.. well korean

the next period turned out to be a free period i stood near my friends desk as we huddled to speak, i glanced towards the window, seeing a familiar class of students. quickly calling ryun, i point at a boy with raven hair along with nerdy glasses. "that him" i say.

"damn girl thats a jackpot right there!" she hypes me up.

i never thought i would find someone in the four walls of school wearing over basic school uniform which consists of a white shirt with the badge tucked beige pants, as for girls its tucked into a patterned beige ruffle skirt. but he made the uniform look so much hotter...

as the school day came to an end, i rushed out the class meeting my other group of friends. rushing down the stairs right out the school gate, like any other day my dad was always on time to pick me up from school. his excuse whenever i tell him to be a bit late to pick me up is "hyun will be late for school otherwise". like i care if that kid is late, haehyun would be late either way i always think to myself.

putting my shoes away at the doorstep, i shuffle to my bedroom, throwing my bag to the desk. i do my after school routine which is basically, showering, doing homework and eating lunch. i look at my clock and see its already 2 30pm its been 2 hours since i had come home from the hell of a place.

getting up from the desk after throwing my book to a corner, i take my phone laying on my bedside table unplugging it from the charger. sitting down on my bed, i see a few texts from a few of my friend's each individually asking to play roblox, a idea popped in my mind as i created a group chat add the other three.

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