t w e n t y - t w o

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6th august : new semester pt2.

the rest of the day was well, your usual first day of school. i spent most of the time talking to nari, as we are classmates. thank god we finish early on first week, but next week we have to spend time at school until 2 10, ew.

as soon as the dismiss bell rang the teacher lined all of us up, as if we were a bunch of pre schoolers. they really gave us the 4th floor and made the 10th grader have the 3rd. can school management be any dumber. continuing my talk with nari, about my trash of a love life. our teacher let us use the elevator, as it somehow could fit all the girls in our class.

me and nari ended up in the far back corner of the elevator cramped up. the teacher looked at all of us, she spoke "wheres nari?". everyone erupted into laughter as nari glared, the teacher quickly apologizing, chuckling a bit. once the elevator came to a stop, everyone flooded out. i walked into the sun, nari not so far behind.

"oh, my moms here! bye~" nari yelled fleeing to her mom, suddenly someone tapped on my shoulder, making me jump, squealing a bit. it was tsuki and the rest of the gang. they all bursted into laughter seeing my reaction. we walk further away from the crowd, talking about random shit — featuring hana and nabi pointing out yukhei.

one by one the group got smaller, and the people around us decreased. once the last one from the friends group left, i walked over to the other building to pick up my younger brother and well... go home. i completely forgot about yukhei wanting to apologize to my parents.

once making it to the other building, i looked around searching for the short boy. "noona" the annoying voice, that belonged to the one and only haehyun. his teacher looked at me smiling a bit and then looking at the kid hugging my waist. "did you say bye to your teacher" i said ruffling his hair. "oh, i'll be back noona" he said handing me his bag. i watched as he ran off to say bye to his teacher and come back. unaware of the guy standing next to me, "hyung?" my brother called looking next to me.

"hyun!" he greeted smiling at the shorter boy, raging haehyun kicked yukhei's leg, taking me completely off-guard. "ow!" yukhei yelped, holding his leg, eyes wide i watched as my brother, balled his hand into a fist. "fuck you!" he cursed at the taller guy. "haehyun, language!" i scolded, "really won, he kicked me and you only say something about his language" yukhei pouts.

before taking the bag in my hand, walking away. "hyun, its alright now" i patted the younger boy's head, taking his hand and following yukhei. my younger brother kept glaring holes into yukhei's head, as i nervously walked beside him. "hyunnie, hyung is very very sorry for the way he treated your noona!" yukhei protested seeing the little kid's glares, honestly scared. haehyun squinted his eyes at him before smiling and nodding, "hyung has to play roblox with me though!" he exclaimed in glee.

"shi— i deleted that" yukhei mumbles under his breath, remembering. "redownload it then, unless you want to get kicked by him" i giggle, seeing the distressed look on my former boyfriend — ex? what even are we now. "yukhei, what exactly are we now?" i spoke my thoughts. the taller guy, thought for a while before coming up with a conclusion "as of now, we will be lovers, i'll claim you back as my girlfriend again" he says, punching the air and i just nodded at his behavior. 'shit what—' i thought to myself.

"sheeet!!" yukhei exclaimed, as we walked up my driveway. i could sense his nervousness from a mile away, i knew if i said a word he did panic more, as my wording choices are well, always very, irrational. snatching his bag from the older boys hand, haehyun shoved the door open as yukhei basically shook like a tree in the wind. right behind my younger brother i also entered my house, leaving yukhei the only one outside.

"mom" i yelled, letting my mom know i was home, she walked out of the kitchen in her apron. shoving my shoes to a side, i pulled yukhei by the arm as he stumbled inside. "i'm sorry for breaking haewon's heat, mrs. min!" yukhei sobbed, fists clenched and eyes shut tightly, tears staining his face.

my mom kept a straight face as she walked towards us, her actions shocked both me and yukhei. she wiped his tears pulling him into a motherly hug, "if she brought you back home, it means you two are okay now, if you repeat it again, i won't leave you alive" she said in a serious but joking manner. yukhei opened his eyes, bringing his hand up to wipe some of the left tears too, sobs erupting his whole body.

after the short talk and yukhei crying, my mom let the two of us go to my room. however, yukhei didn't even once stop crying. "hey, its okay now, stop crying" i said pouting, feeling my eyes well up with tears. "you're gonna make me start crying too" my voice cracks as he pulled me to his lap, hugging me tightly. "when i let you go, i felt my whole world crash down" he said through sobs.

we spent atleast a good hour, cuddling and crying on each other's shoulders. we were unfortunately interrupted twice, once by my mom who brought us lunch and second time was the door bell, arin and tsuki had arrived catching me and yukhei completely off guard. we clear our throat, awkwardly looking away. we both were out of our uniforms now, in more comfortable clothes. yukhei was in my dad's clothes, he had called his dad to explaining where he was.

i told arin and tsuki, everything that had happened, yukhei sitting a bit far from us scrolling through social medias. the two girls who looked like they were about to murder my lover, gave a skeptical look towards his direction. feeling the looks, yukhei looked up from his phone, shyly. making eye contact with us, furiously blushing.


i got a lot of good plans for the rest of the story, i just need the time to write it now 💀

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