e i g h t e e n

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27th march ; in the rain

after an eventful day at yukhei's house yesterday, today was yet another school day, filled with very much of education. right now here i was sitting in the science lab, listening to my science teacher, explaining about the periodic table, along with its elements. science was my least favorite subject, its just so... boring -- no offence to science lovers.

to make matters worse it was actually the second class of the day, the third period was also science, which made me just wanna bang my head on the desk. i look at my science class partner who looked equally as distressed as i did, staring at the light up screen. "do you even understand anything" she spoke, noticing my face, i shook my head in response as she let out a sigh.

thankfully both our stress came to an end, when the bell rang. picking up our stuff, we both head out the door. the lab we were at was on the same floor as yukhei's class, ironically near it too. after exiting the lab, i glance to my right, i see a tall guy along with his two friends, i squint my eyes, adjusting my glasses, shit that yukhei.

shocked i scrambled, towards the stairs, almost missing a step -- too late i tripped. but something or someone stopped me from falling, i glance over shoulder, it was yukhei, embarrassed i stumble back onto two feet, my face turning red.

yukhei let out a laugh shaking his head, "you really are a safety hazard.." he says, taking the stuff in my hand, and leading me up to my class. "which is your desk?" he asks once reaching my class, i point at a desk on the front of class. "nerdy much" he snickers, playfully slapping him i say "no, just bad eyesight even with glasses" making both of laugh.

placing my stuff in the drawer, as i fumble with my bag, grabbing my banana milk along with my lunch box. we both exit the class, almost instantly running into my group of friends. they all squeal out loud, making me and yukhei blush and look away. "my parents" eun-jung exaggerates, followed by a slap by insoo.

the rest of the interval was very usual, just me and yukhei at our usual spot eating and talking about how our previous class was, well it was me ranting about science and him scoffing telling me that its easy. "you're a science student so no shit man!" i exclaim, making him laugh at my distressed look. "since you're struggling with science and maths, i could tutor you, its the least i can do as your boyfriend" he offers. "i mean if its not a bother, then sure".

soon the interval ended, and it was back to studying. i had art right after interval, which i absolutely despise the maker of the timetable for, like why. i sat at my desk with my drawing block, in front of me, as i followed the teachers instruction to finish an artwork from the previous class. after the drawing we were tasked to color it, making the whole class whine in union. i pull out my color box, placing it in my desk drawer.  i silently color the drawing, wanting to finish it as soon as possible.

after two dammed periods of art, next was business, which was quite easy as i understood the topic quite well. the last period which was english, went in a flash as it was just the teacher joking around.

finally it was the end of the day, i was practically skipping down the stairs with my friend, who i seemed to not have spoke to, for a long time. "you really ditched us for a man" arin says, linking our arms together. "oh, haewon, my parents said, i should stay at your house, till later 'cuz he can't pick me up" tsuki says, taking my other hand, i just nod acknowledging her words.

once we made it to the field, we were greeted by strong wind, as the cold air hits my face, i shiver. i look around looking for a certain tall boy, spotting him near the gate, with tsuki i walk up to him, tapping him on the shoulder. "holy shit!" he squeals in surprise, holding his chest once realizing who it was. "haewon!" a familiar voice exclaims, "yuxi-unnie" i scream, running to her.

"why are you here" i ask, once we finish our little hugging session. "to pick up my favorite sister" she says, grinning. "uh, who's she?" tsuki asks, completely confused. "oh, this is yukhei's older sister, yuxi. unnie, this is my bestfriend, tsuki" i introduce, tsuki bows a little in respect letting out a small 'hello'.

"even better two sisters" she squeals in happiness, a frustrated yukhei grumbles from behind, huffing before crossing his arms. yuxi laughs at his behavior before, locking her arms with me and tsuki's and starts walking.

engrossed in all sorts of conversation we walk in a slow pace, followed by a yukhei, who looked exceptionally sulky. letting go of yuxi's arm, i walk to yukhei, taking his large hands in my small ones and give him a big smile, making him chuckle. the sudden, it started to rain making yukhei pull out the umbrella in his bag, and put it above our head.

suddenly an evil plan comes into my mind, i smile at yukhei before, yelling "tag!" and running off. shocked yukhei starts chasing me -- the umbrella long forgotten. the other two, yuxi and tsuki, laugh watching our game of tag, yuxi pulling out her phone and recording it.

laughter filled the empty road as yukhei chased me, well that was until i slipped on the hard gravel and fell on to the grass -- thankfully. yukhei tried to stop himself from losing his balance but ended up falling on top of me, making me yelp in pain. i lay there, in pain, waiting for the guy in top of me to get up. he lifts up his head which was on my shoulder, both of us locking eyes, breath fanning eachother's face.

the way he looked at me, i swear i could see stars in his eyes. his eyes flicker to my lips, he whispers, "can i?" i nod slowly. he leans down for a soft peck, before pulling away, then leaning down again.


awoop :)

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