n i n e

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25th february; drawing hearts on the sand

after the amazing reunion with tsuki yesterday, it was now the next day; sunday. i absolutely hate how fast weekends go. like, let me breath? sprawled out on my bed, i stared at my ceiling in absolute despair and boredom. despair that i have no one to hang out with and boredom 'cuz i got nothing to do.

my phone which was laying on my chest suddenly starts buzzing, startling me from my own world into reality. i groan in surprise and confusion, as i pick up my phone lazily checking the caller id. "lover,, it read, why is he calling i thought to myself, before picking up the phone.

"hello?" i softly say, "hey, are you free?" i heard from the other line, as weird as it may sound i could hear him grin on the other side. "no, i'm haewon" i laugh, before continuing "yeah i'm free at the moment, why?" i inquired genuinly confused. "what do you say we hang out" he says, "sure" i say almost immediately. "alright meet me at your neighborhood park in 10 minutes" he says hanging up, leaving me in a daze.

scrambling onto my feet, i throw on the nearest jeans and a shirt, nothing too fancy. 'youre literally meeting up with your potential future husband atleast put some effort' some may say, but i... genuinly couldn't care any less as long as i was comfortable.

wearing makeup and putting effort while going some to look good ain't my thing. im just your local, done with everything, depressed girl.

but all that shit aside, once again on a WEEKEND! shocking i know, i was going out, to meet my crush?! sounds like a dream, don't get me wrong, i don't like going out, one 'cuz the bed is just too comfortable and two getting ready is a pain in the ass.

i slip my emo looking converse sneakers or whatever its called on, telling my mum i'll be out through text as she was at work. feeling the cold wind hit my face as soon as i step out, i shiver. ugh yukhei i hate you but at the same time i'm a hopeless romantic. kickimg the gravel under my foot, cursing yukhei out under my breath, i walk to the park.

i look around, at the almost empty green land, i see a familiar brunette head. "haewon!" he yells, i walk towards him. "you seem mad?" he says, i roll my eyes at him before straightening my lips in a thin line. "i would do anything to stay home right now" i mumble, looking away. "i was thinking we could discuss what we are?" he says. "hmm well, i don't know you tell me" i say.


"friends" i quote on air using my fingers, "not gonna lie that kinda hurt" i pout. "sorry, what if i call you my girlfriend" he smirks. i look away feeling my face heat up at his words. "what other options are there" he says innocent as if he didn't just suggest me being his girlfriend.

this guy really confuses me sometimes and its scary.

"i wonder though, what if you didn't give a note and just straight up came and talked to me" yukhei says. "as if that would happen" i say monotonously, uninterested. "what if you just came and said hi to me in person and ran away with me never even knowing who you are" he gasps at his thought. "your talking as if i have the guts for that" i sigh.

"what if you had a crush on one of my friends and just used me to get to them" he looks at the sky, thinking deeply. "your at it again... over thinking, i don't even know what your friends look like" i scoff. "maybe i don't have a crush on you and actually have a crush on one of your friends" he dramatically gasps, i felt my heart shatter at the thought, as my chest burns. "now you see that hurt" i say frowning swinging back and forth as tears well up in my eyes.

noticing my eyes, he pulls me into a tight hug, petting my hair "hey, hey, this is just other dimension stuff its not like its gonna happen here" he reassures. he pulls away and smiles, still holding my shoulder. "maybe you don't actually have a crush on me and are just toying with me and are eventually going to embarrass me in front of the whole school" he says gasping out-loud for the third time, i playfully slap him "do i look like i'm that kind of person"

"wanna go to the beach" he smiles, relaxing. "yeah, sure" we walk to the nearest bus stop. conveniently for us, the bus came faster than we thought, less waiting. we both get on, finding the bus almost empty with one to no passengers. we take a seat, next to eachother. as the bus starts to drive off, i look out the window to the scenery, its so calming.

unconsciously i lay my head on yukhei's shoulder, snuggling closer, i feel my eyes get heavy and that all i remember as i drifted off to dreamland.

i was woken up by yukhei tapping my shoulder gently, making me jolt up in surprise. "this is our stop" he smiles, we both get off the bus, i stress and yawn softly, yukhei chuckles from behind. "what" i say tilting my head, "you're so adorable" he grins.

my face heats up, covering my cheeks i run off to the sand.

under the sunlight, we both ran around giggling. i grabbed a branch i had found on the sand, i draw our initials "H + Y" and draw a heard around it. "aw, that's cute" yukhei says looking at my drawing, "you know what my pride and joy is?" he asks. i tilt my head to a side in confusion, he shows me a picture on his phone, it was a screenshot i sent him.

tsuki bbg 🥰 : Sounds good enuf, most ff have enemies to lovers

for context, i told my friends him and i were enemies this morning and i screen shotted the answer and here we are now...

i scoff, rolling my eyes at him. "i didn't know you wanted to be lovers" he laughs, "i think it's pretty awesome i don't know what you mean" he laughs harder, making me look away in fake frustration. i take off my shoe and throw it his direction, as he swiftly dodges it. i take my other shoe and start chasing him, making sure to pick up the other pair doing so.

just like that we both run for around 20 minutes before, he starts to mock me into hitting him. he comes closer, grabbing me by the waist making me squeal, he picks me up and walks to the water. i kick and hit his back in frustration, "PUT ME DOWN" i yell. before i knew he put me down in the water, and now my jeans were wet.

i scoff louder and splash water his direction and he mimics my actions.

after what felt like a good hour, but in reality it had only been 30 minutes, we were tired so we settled down at a bench, to dry off. "i have never had that much fun with a girl before" he says grinning from ear to ear. i blush looking away.

"want ice cream" he asks, i nod shyly. "what flavor?"

"strawberry" i say, he gives me an 'okay' sign before running off to the near by ice cream parlor, i look at my phone seeing my friends group chat blow up.

crush gossip 🥰

wheres haewon today?

tsuki bbg 🥰
idk @/minho....

oh hey guys!

wanna vc?

uh i am not home...

tsuki bbg 🥰
where are u then?

uh on a date with yukhei 👉🏽👈🏽

tsuki bbg 🥰


oh gtg he's coming
with the ice cream bye 🤪

Lol she really...

"here's your strawberry ice cream" he hands me the ice cream. "thank you" i mutter happily.

and just like that our not so official first date ends, as we both watch the sunset and he drops me off at home before too late.


punching the air, throwing up, giggling.

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