s e v e n t e e n

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[say the name]

26th march ; meet my girlfriend

yet again it was another day... but today was exceptionally special. was i hella nervous? fuck yeah!! i was gonna meet yukhei's parents... as per their request. it was currently 3 in the late afternoon, and here i was nervously biting my nails in the comfort of my couch.

the sudden ringing of the doorbell made my soul leave for atleast a good second, with shaking legs, i get up from the couch, walking towards the door. i slowly open it, peaking through and seeing who it is. once i realized it was yukhei, i swung the door open in full force, jumping into his arms.

"i missed you" he says wrapping his hands around my waist, "you saw me last night thought" i smile into his shoulder, giggling a bit. "last night, too long ago" i could feel him grinning. after a good or so 10 minutes we pull away looking at eachother, eyes filled with love. "ready to meet my parents?" he asks, taking my hand in his.

biting the insides of my cheeks, i take a deep breath before nodding. "don't worry, they're nice okay?" he says trying to reassure me. "okay" i quietly mumble, as we begin to walk towards the direction of his house. "oh! by the way, you're meeting my stepmom and dad" he spoke casually. "what... stepmom?" i exlaimed in a low voice. "have i never told you?" yukhei asks, "no..?" i shake my head. "my bad then" he mutters.

"wheres your real mum, if you don't mind me asking" i ask calmly, "oh, she's in thailand at the moment, maybe when she comes here again i'll introduce you to her" he shrugs. i hum as we continue walking, in silence, not an awkward one.

"she knows about the notes" he states, like its the most normal thing to tell your mom. embarrassed at my own doings, i curse myself inside my head, my face heating up, as i slapped him jokingly. "i still have the notes by the way" he shows me his usual bunny smile. "why..." i whine, "you're so adorable, and my first ever girlfriend, although several girls have confessed to me before, because i'm so good looking, you stand out the most, so as a memory i of course kept them" he explains.

"narcissistic" i mumble, rolling my eyes. "pardon?" he says, "did you say something" he blinks. "not at all" i deadpanned. and once again we were engulfed with silence.

after what felt like a decade — in reality it was 10 minutes maybe an extra 5 for the extra slow walking — we were in-front of his house, a modern, family house, quite similar to my house structure. "let's head inside" he pulls me by the arm to the door, my legs felt like jelly, as they dragged on the concrete of his drive way. before i could utter a word, we were at the doorstep, yukhei opened the door, pulled me inside, and closed it. "mom! dad! we are here" he yells, a women in her mid 40's peaks from the kitchen. "oh, yukhei you're home" she spoke in a foreign language, which i assumed was chinese?

"mhm, wheres dad" yukhei answer in chinese, i stood there completely bamboozled, not knowing a single word being said by the two others, the only words i seemed to catch were 'yukhei, mhm — is that even a word — and dad'. i awkward fiddle with the hem of my hoodie, looking around. "oh, yukhei!" a man in his late 40's wearing a weird hat, appeared from behind us, making me jump as i yelp.

"sorry" he sheepishly laughs, "mom, dad, come here" yukhei smiles, leading me to, what seemed like the living room. "meet my girlfriend, haewon, meet my step mum and dad" he says gesturing with his hands. in respect i bow to a 90 degree angle.

"she's so pretty" his mom squeals, pulling me into a hug. "my boy is growing up" yukhei's dad, smiles, pulling him into a side hug. "she's so cute, i love her so much" yukhei says, in a low voice, but everyone caught on, "never break her heart, 'kay" his dad jokingly threatened.

"let's eat hmm?" his mom drags me to the kitchen, setting me down on a chair, yukhei quickly sitting next to me, his parents right across. the table was filled with all sorts of food, my favorite food aka, biscuit fudge was there too. we all ate in silence, until. "mom, dad?" a voice calls out, echoing through the house, a guy who seemed to be in his mid 20's walked in, with a bag followed by a girl, in comfortable clothes and hands stuffed into her pockets.

yukhei sighs at the sight of them, laying his head on the table, i look at him confused. "huh?" i mutter, "my lovely baby broooo" the guy comes, as soon as he reaches yukhei and does a headlock, causing yukhei to aggressively slap the guy's arm. "sicheng, let go of the poor kid" the girl slaps the guy who's named, sicheng. "fancy seeing you, asshole brother and my lovely sister" yukhei says in sarcasm, glaring at his brother and flashing a toothy grin at his sister.

the girl hums in acknowledgment, "enough of us, who's she" she asks, looking at her family members. "she looks familiar" his brother mutters, making a thinking face. "she's my girlfriend" yukhei says in a tiny voice. "OH— OH MY GOD" they both exclaimed in union. "pleasure to meet you, my name yuxi, don't mind sicheng!" yuxi smiles at me, shoving sicheng and grabbing my hand, and pulling me into a warm hug. 'people in this family are sure affectionate' i think to myself.

"suddenly i feel single as fuck" his brother spoke, followed by a light slap by yukhei and his mom's scolding. "shut up you whore, i finally got a girl to be with in this family!" his sister smiled, so brightly, i honestly almost went blind. "do you have siblings" she suddenly asks, "yeah, i have a younger brother" i say.

"they are a handful aren't they" she says, as i nod eagerly, maybe she isn't that bad. "i feel attacked" yukhei said, putting a hand on his heart, dramatically. "i hope you feel all offense from my statement" she sassed, making me laugh. "cmon! haewon, help me out" he looks at me begging for help. "i'm sorry but the statement was correct" i shrug.

"are you calling me annoying?" he pouts, a gag was heard which came from sicheng. "never pout" he said looking away in pure disgust. "shut up sicheng, you look uglier just by standing there" yuxi said sassily. i turn to my boyfriend who was sulking, walking towards him, "don't worry, i meant younger brothers are, not you" i reassure, making yukhei smile.

"now, dearest wookhee, i'll be stealing your beloved girlfriend for a girls talk" yuxi said as she dragged me along to her bedroom. me and his sister had all sorts of interesting talks, mostly her telling me about yukhei's childhood stories and even showed me a picture of when he was a little kid, which i told her to send me, as we shared socials.

but all fun was cut off when it was getting late, and yukhei popped his head into the room, checking.

the day was definitely really fun, never thought i would meet my lover's parents let alone have a lover. life is full of surprises isn't it, good ones and bad ones.


well, another chapter, woop woop! their relationship is so adorable, i'm shitting tears.

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