n i n e t e e n

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27nd march ; in the rain [part 2]

the second one lasted around a minute before he pulled away to catch his breath, "your lips taste like strawberries, and they're so soft" he breathes, i chuckled at his statement, in a daze. holy shit we just kissed!! i think to myself. he innocently grins at me, both of our faces flushed red.

"ah, disgusting" we hear yuxi exclaim, covering her eyes, followed by tsuki slapping her and muttering "shut up unnie". yukhei and i look at each other before laughing. the rain had stopped a few seconds ago, and now we were all just wet, our uniforms, sticking to our bodies, uncomfortably. yukhei slowly gets up, pulling me up along with him.

just like that, we continue our walk home. once reaching my house, yukhei hugs me and says a quick "i love you", before pecking my lips and walking off with his sister, still smirking at him. i turn to tsuki who was also smirking at me weirdly, making a disgusted face at her i walk to the front door.

as soon as we both get inside, ironically we both take a deep breath... and started screaming, freaking out. "HOLY SHIT YOU JUST KISSED!" she yells, as both bounce up and down in joy. giggling like little kids, we run around the house, before calming down in my room. a smile plastered on my face, the stupid smile won't be leaving my face anytime soon.

"we should change, before we get sick" tsuki says, too late as soon as she said so i was sneezing. "bruh!" she yells, in disappointment. running to my closet she throws some change of clothes and grabs herself something, can i just talk about how amazing tsuki is, totally off topic, but tsuki... she's so cute, kind, loving, and caring. she is always there, mentally and physically. me and her are exactly 9 months apart, so we sometimes joke about how we are long lost siblings. if i were to give a whole speech about tsuki, i'd do it in a heartbeat.

tsuki and i met during a concert, drama practice back in 4th grade, good ol' times. i was quiet as ever and she was definitely a social queen, although she says we have spoken back then too, i don't remember it at all. i feel bad but thats the past, later we reunited in 5th grade and found out about our common likings, but we kinda drifted apart after that, until 7th grade.

that's when the whole 'bbgs' friends group formed, as they were all in the same class, except me. school decided to put almost all my friends in 7D and me in 7A, lovely i know. however, after when 7th grade ended, tsuki moved back to her home country, japan, but we still kept in touch. now, she was back in korea and reunited with all our friends, yay!

back to reality though, she shoved a shirt and some sweats towards my direction, protecting myself from the attack, i pull my knees in to my chest and cover my head, laughing. grabbing the things thrown at me, and dodging her other attacks i run to the bathroom, to change.

after changing i walk back into my bedroom, shoving my wet uniform in the laundry basket. tsuki who was already changed came from, the kitchen with some food, as we both settle on the ground eating our lunch. talking about school works, we still had to finish... "OH SHIT! WE RAN IN THE RAIN WITH OUR BAGS" we both panic, scrambling onto our feet and running to our bags, "oh, thank god" we both say in union seeing our books were dry.

returning back to the food we had left, and continuing our talk. after eating, we finished some homework. helping each other with the doubts and studying a bit for the upcoming term exams. after about 2 hours of studying, me and tsuki decided to take a short break, by cuddling, the tiredness caught up as both ended up sleeping in each others arm.

i was awoken by the loud voice of what we call a younger brother, he barged into my room, as i open my eyes, looking up from under my blanket. "what the fuck do you want?" i say groggily, "noona! yu— ng is here" he says, my hazy brain, didn't catch what he said, and the next thing i knew i saw a tall figure entering my room, as my head hit the comfort of the pillows again. half awake, i could feel the bed sinking as if someone sat on it.

"haewon" a soft voice call, shaking my body a little. "5 more minutes" i mumble, turning the other way. i feel a hand touch my forehead, as the previous that spoke panics and jumps up from the bed, mumbling something. something about me was, i get a cold easily, hence, being one of the reason i don't like going out.

"haewon, wake up, you have a fever, i brought some soup" the soothing voice says, pulling my blanket away, whining i grab ahold of my blanket trying to receive the warmth of it again. "haewoniee, noo!" the voice also whines. annoyed i shoot my eyes open, angrily glaring at the owner of the voice, yukhei.

i glare at him as if my life depends on it, as he laughs nervously. "just eat hmm? then you can go back to sleeping" he suggests, hopelessly i nod, sitting up.


another update since im feeling generous ahaha...

this one is a lot more special then the previous ones, not cuz of the chapter itself. more of what day today is, today happens to be my lovely bbg, someone i mentioned a lot in this chapter it self, tsuki's bday, happy birthday!! this was very last minute planned chapter, did u expect it?!

just know i miss you, and love you so, so much. even if we do dumb shit like we did yesterday... ha ha ha. hope this day would be wonderful, you're finally 15, nothing changes its completely the same lol.

anyways, either you're reading this after our amazing roblox date or before it, idk. either way hope u enjoyed it.

love u pookiee <3

-haewon the smooth flirter 🗿🤷🏻‍♀️

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