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2nd march; together we make, chaos!

the school days passed by in a flash and once again it was Friday, but sad life me. through out the five exhausting days of school, nothing much really happened it was just a cycle plus a few events i had to attend and walking home with yukhei.

however, this weekend wasn't going to be your hometown usual weekend, us teenagers spend. as much as i would have loved to sleep in the comfort of my bed, i had no choice but to go to camp.

being in extra curricular activity is funny. well here i was now standing in the middle of the school compound with a heavy bag on my shoulders, and a sleeping bag in my arms. i look around in hopes of finding my best friend, "haewon" i hear someone yell, i snap my head to that direction and see my eun-jung.

a small conclusion of events that happened that night was, a bunch of singing, dancing and everyone gossiping whilst others slept. the original plan was to pull an all nighter with eun-jung, but after a full conversation about how hot stray kids are and eun-jung telling me to imagine her as yukhei, as she wrapped her arms around my waist, i was out cold.

the next thing i knew i woke up in the middle of the night, due to loud construction near my school at midnight as well, why you may ask no idea and also due to eun-jung shaking me and asking whether i was asleep.

that night i only had maximum 4 hours of sleep, so the next morning i felt the need to snap someones neck. but did i do that? no. Saturday morning was greeted with more boring activities, started off with a morning walk, followed by zumba for some odd reason. right after was a session with the local police about... road safety!

thank god, they gave a break after though, during the break we were given, eun-jung wouldn't shut her mouth about yukhei and my endless crush on him. she was so loud and obnoxious that one of his classmates heard us talking about him... amazing i know.

it would be a lie if i said i didn't mention him a bunch either, every two seconds i whined to my bestie about how much i missed my man ; yukhei.

enough about the 'love of my life', after the break we had cooking... remind me to never cook again. my group had decided on making pasta as the main dish, fruit salad as desert and to finish it off iced milo. of course all good things don't go well, we didn't have half the things we needed, the pasta ended up soggy and tasted like puke... the only good thing we did was the salad, as the person who was tasked to bring milo, well forgot to do so.

our lunch ended up being us taking food from a near by group instead, who would have wanted to eat soggy pasta, ew.

after lunch was yet another break, which was spent with me whining about how much i wished i was on bed texting yukhei. after the break was a game of dodge ball, which i was doing so well, until i was hit obviously. in all honesty that was the best part, i was just yelling at a bunch of 5th graders.

kids are so loud and obnoxious, they can be cute sometimes, they can also be devils sometimes. talk about duality.

well of-course forever not so forever camp had came to an end, and the ending ceremony was clashed by the amazing weather, sigh the rain... don't get me wrong! i love the rain but when you're in a full white uniform it ain't fun.

i watch as one by one each person leaves, patiently waiting for my parents. i wonder what would happen if they find out i been walking home with a foreign guy this whole time... shaking the thought off my head, i see my mom pull up in-front of the school. grabbing the heavy bag and other stuff i had brought i walk and load up the car.

and boom, the exhausting two days of camp had ended just like that! phew.

as soon as i arrived home, i unpacked got changed and texted yukhei a text saying "Why so violent, Anyways im back from a thing called "camp" which was mostly like a prison" right as i hit send, i had passed out on the bed, out cold 'cuz of exhaustion.

the next morning i woke up to sound of pots clattering and my brother's weird noises, groaning i sit up. lovely sunday morning, loving the wake up call, exclusively done by my family, please give an applause. im being sarcastic but anyways, it once again the day i dread the most.

sometimes i make dumb decisions and regret my whole existence, today just seemed to be one of them. i told my mom i would go to an extra tuition class on sunday... haha. hence, here i was in bed at 8am rubbing the side of my head in frustration.

getting up i waddle to the bathroom, looking at my disheveled mayhem of a hair... disaster. i do my business and go back to my room to clash on my lovely bed, love of my life. before i could get even a nanosecond of sleep my phone started ringing.

"which bish is calling me at this time of the day" i think to myself, before looking at the caller id it read 'lover'. i know he's my crush or whatever we are at this point, but its EIGHT IN THE FUCKING MORNING ON A SUNDAY.

nevertheless i pick up, before groggily muttering a hello and a few curse words. "don't sound so happy this morning, bitch." he laughs. "what could your dramatic ass want at this time of the day" i bite back. "calm down queen, i was gonna ask if you want to go to this science exhibition this evening" he asks. "yeah no, i have tuition and i told my mom i would go, so bye." i roll my eyes before distancing the phone a bit to hang up.

"so much for asking for a date, never again..." he mumbles. "well my bad i'm sorry" i sigh, "hmph!" he grumbles in fake anger. "i would go if you care to help me in math, and tell the location" i mutter out. "well... the thing is i don't even know the location" he says. "well then its settled goodbye." i say hanging up wanting to get more sleep.

but before my eyes shut, my phone rang again. i curse out a chain of curses seeing its yukhei again. "look, i don't wanna text so i just wanna call today, pleaseee haewon!!" he begs. "ugh fine." and just like that the anger in me melted in one second, the phone call went on for about 2 hours, before i had fallen a sleep.


cute u fell asleep so i hung up...

also i'm not gonna go since you aren't
and neither of us know the location

i have a party to attend as well.

have a good nap haewon :)


surprise lovelees :p

realize how most the chapter is at a camp, dreaded those two days of my life.

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