Chapter 1: Twilight Sparkle's Birthday

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It was a Sunny and beautiful day in Equestria, as it was in the spring and the weather was fantastic, for the past few years in Equestria, it has been almost perfect and sound with every Pony and every Creature in this magical place living in almost perfect harmony, since Queen Chrysalis, Lord Tirek and Cozy Glow have now been gone, there really haven't been any real threats in Equestria at all, with Thorax leading the Changelings peacefully, Ember leading the Dragons, Prince Rutherford leading the Yaks, Grampa Gruff leading Griffonstone, and Queen Novo and Princess Skystar leading the Seaponies, all things were well.

With that being said, today was a very special day for a certain Alicorn and ruler of Equestria, of course, it was our favorite purple Princess, Twilight Sparkle's Birthday, she had been ruling Equestria for a Fantastic five years, things have been very peaceful and friendly for the past few years, and up until this point, it was a pretty relaxing reign for Twilight so far, and today just happened to be her special day, however, unlike her previous special days where she would usually spend them with the rest of her friends the Mane Six and Spike, she decided that she wanted to spend the day in Ponyville with all of her best and closest friends known to her, and last month, they invited almost everypony and Creature that they had a close Connection to, and told them by Letter that they were invited for her Birthday, and all of them accepted.

So, before Twilight and Spike were heading to Ponyville, they had to pick up and invite some of their Canterlot friends to come over with them, which featured Moondancer, Tempest Shadow and Flash Sentry, Sunset Shimmer was also visiting the pony world at this point of time and agreed to come over for Twilight's Special day, and Twilight was thrilled that all of them were able to come along with her.

"So, are you guys ready to join me for my birthday with my Ponyville friends?"

"Oh Yeah"

"For sure, I'm actually interested to meet them"

After that, they found the canterlot train, paid their tickets, got into it, and looked at the Landscape of all the land of Equestria until they arrived at their destination, after a couple of hours, they finally arrived at the Ponyville train station, and sure enough, there were all of Twilight's Ponyville friends waiting for her, the rest of the Mane Six, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Gallus and Trixie Lullamoon. Twilight was very happy to see all of her best and close friends by her side, they all ended up hugging her tight.

"We are so glad you're here"

"How did the ride go Twilight?"

"Oh, it was great, I'm just really happy to see all of you guys and spend time with you on my Special day"

"The pleasure is ours Twilight"

"And, I see you have brought a few friends with you from Canterlot I presume"

"Yep, Pinkie Pie, I'm sure you know of my
old friend Moondancer, and most of you know Tempest, but for the rest of you, this is Moondancer, Tempest Shadow, Sunset Shimmer and Flash Sentry"

"Well, it's very nice to meet you ponies"

"It's a pleasure to meet you guys too"

After a little while of some of Twilight's Canterlot friends getting to know more of her Ponyville friends, the group of them then started discussing on what they should do together with Twilight on her Special Day.

"So, Twilight, how would you like for us to do for your special day?"

"Well, I would like for us to spend time together and have something to eat at our local restaurant here in Ponyville, then come night time, there are supposed to be some really cool meteor showers coming, and I wouldn't want to miss the world for it"

"Of course, we all know you love meteor showers and light shows"

"That sounds like a great idea, let's do it"

All of the Ponies and creatures in the group then started chatting to each other and started singing a few songs on their way to the Restaurant as they enjoyed each other's presence and company.

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