mood swings

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~3months later~

Diana's (pov)

So we found out that I'm having twins and they are going to be boys yay for me I won. I'm having mood swings and cravings and I'm getting a little fat, just a little.

Chris: hey babe are you OK?

Diana: shut the hell up

Chris: ugh when is this mood swings going to end

Diana: I don't know we've gotta deal with it I mean I'm getting a bit annoyed of it also. So I'm sorry if I was harsh.

Chris: its ok... Can I touch it.

Diana: its your children also so yes you can touch it.

Chris touched it and the babies kicked, its like everytime he touches it they kick, but when I touch it they dont.

Diana: how comes all the time u touch it they kick.

Chris: because they are going to be daddies boys, they will love me.

Diana: well then, it hurts when they kick, but only a little.

Chris: ok, what do u want to eat.

Diana: pickles and cheese

Chris: what? With cheese

Diana: yeah that's what I want

Chris: * mumbling under breath* wow weird much

Diana: I can hear u, and its not me its the babies.

Chris: ok my darling brb.

He came upstairs with the pickles and cheese but God I never knew that it would taste this good, thought that it would taste like shit, but it didn't.

~ 2 weeks later~

Chris (pov)

So we are having twins, but they are boys * wanted girls but oh well* Diana is really having these disgusting cravings I mean pickles and cheese who the hell eats that, and her mood swings are killer but I gotta deal with it 6 more months to go. I was in bed with her just talking about names.

Chris: so what do you want to name them

Diana: ummm, what about Christian and Christopher.

Chris: Cyrus and Conan.

Diana: what. I think we will go with my names

Chris: does it have to start with a C

Diana: I don't know?

Chris: well there is one way to get names. He said smirking.

Diana: ha no, not in the mood or the state, cause I'm pregnant.

Chris: ok, can I get a kiss.

She kissed him for awhile and deepened it then she broke it and put her head in his chest.

Diana: I love you

Chris: I love you too, but only more.

Diana: ha stop being so petty.

* sorry it was short and also I'm sorry I didn't update sooner I had writters block*

My step brother chrisWhere stories live. Discover now