Aunt Ashley

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The babies are so cute and I just enjoy their cuteness, but the nightly crying is killing me, Chris's aunt is coming over today and by the looks of it he hates her.

Diana: Chris calm down I'm sure she's not that bad

Chris: I am calm, and you don't know her and how bad her attitude is.

Diana: ok then, we'll see

~5 minutes later~

Chris: aunt Ashley, I see your wearing your crown again

Aunt: yes, oh will you carry my bags to my room now

Chris: excuse you, do I look like a Butler to you.

Diana: Hi I'm Diana Chris's girlfriend nice to meet you

Aunt: I've seen you've find a rather pretty girl Chris

Chris: she's also the mother of my kids

Aunt: yes I've heard about them, where are the little munchkins.

Diana: they're sleeping

Aunt: I'll see them when they're awake, now aren't you going to take my jacket.

Diana: excuse me ?

Aunt: yes sweetie take my sweater and hang it up

Diana: oh wow, nice sweater, but I'm not going to take it you can hang it yourself.

Aunt: no no it doesn't work that way ma'am I'm the queen you have to do it.

Diana: oh yeah your a royal pain in the* gco*

Chris: in the highness

Diana: what

Chris: she's a royal pain in the highness.

Aunt: ugh that's no way to talk to me. Fine I'll take them myself where's my room.

Chris: down the hall to the right its the brown door.

She took her stuff to her room and I took Chris outside.

Diana: you can say it

Chris: naw I'm good

Diana: no say it I want you to

Chris: fine, I TOLD YOU SOO!!!!

Diana: nigga you didn't have to yell.... She is going to get to me and I'm going to loose my mind.

Chris: heh yeah I told you but you wouldn't listen.

Diana: whatever.


This is what happens to people when they don't listen to you, I was right all along. I was sitting watching TV when aunt Ashley came and grab the remote and changed the channel.

Chris: umm I was watching that.

Aunt: I know I rule here now so I get to watch what I want whenever I want.




Diana: ugh fine

She came downstairs and I ran upstairs.

Diana: so you took the remote from him why?

Aunt: I'm the queen you guys do what I tell you guys to do.

Diana: uh no no no you don't live here you only tell people what to do when its your house. And there is a TV in your room .

Aunt: I wanted to watch it out here.

Chris: babe I'm bringing them down

Diana: sure.

I brought them down and gave Luke to Diana.

Chris: auntie these are our children Luke and Lucas Argent.

Diana: you love saying that don't you

Chris: yup

Aunt: awww they are so cute they look like their mom and have your eyes Chris.

Chris and Diana: thank you.

Aunt: how old are you Diana.

Diana: 18

Aunt: what, your 18 and you have a kid and you don't have a joob.

Diana: yes and its two kids they're twins.

Aunt: 18, huh wow ur kind of a slut.

Diana: excuse me, how am I slut when I'm 18 and have twins.

Chris: hold up how can you just call her slut, we never called you that when you had your abortion at 15.

Diana: oh wow 15, and how old are you?

Aunt: how do you know that!

Chris: that's classified, remember when your ROYALTY your secrets are never safe.

Aunt: I'll be going to my room

Chris: go, I never wanted you here anyways

Aunt: why

Chris: your rude you always have to say shit like that and get people mad.

Aunt: I'm sorry, I'll change my attitude.

Diana: good.

She left and went to her room and Diana fed Luke while Chris was staring.

Diana: what.

Chris: you have two more babies to feed.

Diana: no I have one more to feed, you can go to the fridge and feed yourself.

Chris: always killing the vibe man

Diana: I promise when john takes the kids I have a surprise for you.

Chris: ooo can't wait.


The two weeks went by fast and we dropped the kids off at Johns house and we have two weeks alone, I sent Chris out with his friends so that I could get ready. My friends were over to help me and then went all out......

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