The moment when

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~this is my first time writing so sorry if it's cringe~

Y/n and the Cooper kids rode the bus home together that day. And the bus driver sat Y/n next to the eldest, Georgie Cooper, he was a menace in school. Worse at home. He would always blare his radio just to annoy Y/n.

"Why can't I sit with someone else?" Y/n asked the bus driver
"Because it's assigned seating Ms. Peters" the bus driver said, obviously annoyed at the question.

Y/n slumped in her seat and looked out of the window to avoid Georgie.

"I don't get why our families hate each other" Georgie said in his deep country accent.

Every time Y/n heard it she would smile to herself but never let anyone know that no matter how annoying Georgie was, she liked him.

"Because your family is annoying" y/n replied, not looking at Georgie.

The bus arrived at their stop and they all got off. "Well, see you around." Georgie said as he walked home from the corner of their road. "I hope not" y/n replied in an annoyed tone.

Later that night when y/n was falling asleep, she heard a tap at the window. She opened her curtains to see Georgie outside.

She opened the window "what do you want?" In a tired and annoyed tone.
"Just to ask you out, you are real perty" Georgie replied with a smile across his face.

"You know our families hate each other. Though I do like you, we can't be together"
Y/n said as she was shutting her window.
"We can keep it a secret. Act like we hate each other in the day but at night go on dates under the stars" he said.

At that moment y/n looked at Georgie, not for his last name but for him. He was the sweetest one of all of them and he would always help her now that she looked back at it.

"Uh, fine. As long as our parents and siblings don't find out. My brothers are hell on wheels to tattle on me"y/n said with a tired tone in her voice. "Can I go to sleep now?" She asked rubbing her eyes indicating how tired she was.

"Yeah, see you at school and see you tomorrow night. Sleep well, darlin'"
Georgie said as he walked back to his window, the moon shining perfectly on him.

The next morning y/n woke up to find a note tucked in her window sill. She got outta bed and walked over and grabbed it. She read the note to herself.

Dear y/n,
I hope you have a fine mornin'. Meet me by the old train tracks at midnight tonight. And the janitor's closet by the gym at lunch time in school.

                    I hope to see you there,
                                         Georgie Cooper.

Y/n hid the note where no one would find it(under her floor board) then started getting dressed when her mother knocked on the door.

"Hey sweetie, it's time to get up. I have to go to work after waking your brothers up so you'll be riding the bus again." Her mother said through the door.

"Okay mom, I'm getting ready right now"y/n replied as she put on a light pink, tight shirt, a light blue denim skirt. And her usual tennis shoes.

Y/n and her brothers boarded the bus with the Cooper kids. Georgie was happy to see to see her. She motioned for him to look mad about sitting next to her on the bus. It didn't help that they shared the same class as Sheldon.

On the bus to school y/n whispered to Georgie. "I got your note, why the old train tracks? And why the janitor's closet by the gym?"

"The train tracks is so out parents and siblings don't find us and the janitor's closet is so we can be alone while at school. We're both seventeen so not like they'd keep us from doing anything for long" he whispered back and shrugged as he turned his head to look forward.

Y/n noticed that some of the people on the bus were starting at them.
"What are you looking at?" Y/n asked, defensively.

Georgie gave y/n a look of don't start stuff so y/n slumped in her seat and looked out of the window of the bus with her arms hugging her back pack.

Once it was lunch time she went to the janitor's closet by the gym and found Georgie in there.

"So why did you want to meet in here?" Y/n asked, as Georgie shut and locked the door behind her.

"To be alone with you." He said, as he turned to look at her. They locked eyes and held eye contact for a minute before Georgie pulled y/n into a kiss.

Y/n was hesitant at first but quickly returned the kiss.

"Georgie, not in the janitor's closet." Y/n said as Georgie's hands were starting to take off her shirt.  "Why not?" He asked, confused as to why she didn't want to do anything with him. "Because.." y/n trailed off.

"Because why?" Georgie urged her to say.

"Because I'm a virgin, Georgie. And the janitor's closet isn't the best ideal first time." Y/n said with annoyance in her voice.

"Oh" is all Georgie could muster.
Y/n unlocked the door and started to open it. Before she left she turned to Georgie. "See you later" y/n said, she left the janitor's closet and went to the cafeteria and sat with her friends.

Later that day when it was closer to y/n and Georgie meeting at the old train tracks. Y/n was picking out an outfit. Quietly so no one woke up.

She chose a floral printed shirt with ruffles sleeves, navy blue jeans, and a pair of dress shoes.

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