That Night

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It had been two weeks since Georgie and y/n's first date. They did have some rendezvous nights between then and now.

Y/n wasn't feeling all that well that morning. She had been throwing up and sluggish. She didn't have a fever, so she thought it was a stomach flu and it would go away.

Later on, while her brothers were at school and her parents were at work. Y/n walked to the drug store and bought a few pregnancy tests.

She was hoping that they would be negative so she wouldn't have to explain to her parents who she's been seeing to wind up in that predicament.

When she got back home, she went to the bathroom and took the tests. She waited for the results.

Before she could look at the results, her brothers came in the house.

"What are you two up to?" Y/n asked

"We're gonna go play with the neighbor boy, Billy. We heard he has firecrackers" her brother Jace said, as his twin, Jax, nodded his head in agreement.

"Alright, be careful and get outta your school clothes first" she said as she walked back to her room.

She heard her brothers run out of the house and took the tests out of her bathroom sink drawer. She was thankful she didn't have to share a bathroom like her parents did, and like her brothers.

When she looked at the tests, they all said positive. She was about to cry, not for happiness, but because she was scared.

She heard someone tapping on her window. She turned to look and seen Georgie. Y/n walked to the window and opened it. He was smiling as usual.

"Hey, are you okay? You weren't at school today" he said. Y/n motioned for him to come in her window.

"Are you okay?" He asked, with more worry and concern in his voice and on his face.

"Yeah, minus the fact that I'm..." Y/n trailed off.

"You're...?" Georgie asked, confused on what was goin on.

"I'm pregnant, Georgie" y/n said in a quiet voice, but loud enough for him to hear.

"Umm..... Did you take more than one? Because sometimes they like to lie" he asked, as a precaution.

"Yes, I took four tests to make sure." Y/n said, obviously annoyed.

"Oh, umm... What are we gonna do? How are we gonna tell our parents?!" Georgie asked, in a scared tone. Y/n could tell he was starting to freak out.

"Hey, hey. Calm down, love. We'll figure all that out once we figure out how we're going to support the baby and us." She said, pulling him into a hug to try to calm him down.

"But I'm scared, I don't know if I'd be a good father" he said, hugging y/n tightly.

Y/n returned the tightness of the hug. "I'm scared too, but as long as we're together we can get through it."

Georgie pulled back a little, they looked at each other. They slowly started to kiss when y/n's parents came in the house.

"Hey, kids. We're home" y/n's mom said, walking to her room.

Y/n quickly put Georgie in her bathroom and shut the door.

She had forgotten about the pregnancy tests when her mom opened her door.

Y/n was laying on her bed, looking sick. "Hey honey, how are you feeling?" Bethany said.

"Not good, I'm still not feeling very well momma" y/n said, in a tone that sounded gruff and tired.

"Oh, my poor baby. Where are your brothers though?" She said with a worried look.

"They're at the neighbor kid Billy's house" y/n said as she adjusted to a more comfortable position.

"Oh, alright. Well, I'll go make you some soup." Bethany said, as she went to walk out of y/n's room. She noticed the tests.

"Y/n, honey?" She asked

"Yeah, momma?" Y/n responded, not knowing her mom seen the tests.

Bethany picked up the tests. "What are these?"

"Uhh, I don't know." Y/n was playing stupid.

"Don't lie, y/n y/m/n Peters. Why are these in your room?" Her mother pressured.

"I don't know, I don't even know where they came from" y/n defended.

"I'm calling Mary Cooper, she'll help me figure it out." Bethany said as she walked out of y/n's room.

A few moments later she was called out of her room to the living room.

"Y/n, what's goin on?" Mary Cooper started

"Give me a minute" y/n said as she ran back to her room

"Come on Georgie, your mom is here too."

"Oh fuck, not what we needed." He said, as he walked with y/n to the living room.

Georgie's grandma, Connie, was there too. She had look on her face of 'i knew it' when she seen them.

"Oh my God, how long have you two been seeing each other?" Mary Cooper asked, pointing at them.

"About two weeks." Y/n said, in a quiet tone.

"I knew it, I knew you guys couldn't keep em disliking each other for long" Connie said, looking at Mary and Bethany.

"Mom, be quiet" Mary said, "you were right though".

"Well, two weeks is plenty of time for them to have sex and get pregnant." Bethany said.

"We used protection though momma" y/n defended.

"Not the first time we did it" Georgie said, and instantly regretted it.

"Not helping our case, Georgie" y/n said

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