Due date

555 8 2

Three months have past and you're now preparing for Maxwell. You're now nine months pregnant.

You're sitting at home, on the couch reading the last book in your book set. You were reading the Harry Potter books. You got up to use the bathroom because you thought you had to pee.

Once you stood up you felt a fluid run down your leg, it was kind of sticky then your water broke. Georgie had the day off and was sleeping still.

"GEORGIE!" you screamed, waking him up.

He came running out of the room, shirtless and in pajama pants. You were wearing a spring dress since it was April.

"What's wrong? Is it time?" He asked, coming to your side.

"Yeah, get the hospital bag from his room. We need to go" you said, in pain due to a contraction.

He ran into the room and got the bag, you had set up the car seat for Maxwell a week before because Georgie couldnt do it. You were waiting in the car when he came out.

He opened the back door and put the bag in back. He got into the front seat then realized he forgot the keys so he ran back in to get the keys. Sheldon came over and tapped on your window.

"Yes, Sheldon?" You asked, very much on pain.

"Are you in labor?" He asked, noticing how much pain you're in.

"Yes, I'm in labor. Georgie went to get the keys." You said, gripping the dashboard.

"Alright, I will tell my family who will then tell your family." He said, and walked away.

Georgie came out with the keys and toast. He got in, started the car, and drove to thw hospital. He had put the four-ways on as he drove there. Once you arrived he helped you into the building. They got you a wheelchair so you didn't have to stand. You firstly were brought to an examination room where they checked how dialated you are. You were 10 centimeters dialated and the doctors were confused as to why he wasnt coming yet.

You were brought a hospital gown which Georgie helped you change into. The doctors and nurses brought you to the delivery room. The doctor told you to push every ten seconds and it wasn't long until Maxwell was born.

"Such a beautiful baby boy." The nurse said, as she cleaned him. She wrapped him up in a blanket, put a little hat on his head, and handed him to you.

You were sweaty and exhausted from all the pain and pushing. But seeing your baby boy was worth it.

~sorry, this one's a short chapter. The next will be longer~

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