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It was the day after y/n moved into the tiny home.

Y/n was unpacking her stuff and Georgie was putting his stuff back into the place. He was in a rush because he had work later that day.

"I can't wait to meet our baby. He's gonna be quite the looker." Georgie said, hanging his clothes into the wardrobe.

"Yeah, Max is gonna be so cute. Now hurry because you have to get to work. Get ready, I'll put your stuff away too." Y/n said, putting her socks in a drawer.

"But I don't wanna leave you. I have to be on video store counter duty. Gotta deal with being bored all day." He said, putting his shoes in the bottom of the wardrobe.

"But you're the one whose not been put on bed rest due to a car crash. You are the only one eligible to make money. I know I'm not in bed right now but I will be once I'm done with my stuff. I got a little bit left. Mainly my makeup and shoes." Y/n said, putting her makeup mirror on her dresser.

"You should be at least sitting while putting that stuff away" Georgie said, putting his socks and boots on to go to work.

"I'm almost done, honey. I'll be fine. I promise. You have to get going" y/n said, walking towards him.

"But I just want to make-" y/n cut him off by kissing him.

"We'll be fine. Go to work" you said, lightly slapping his arm.

           ~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~

Georgie got home from work late. You were still up, drinking tea and reading a book on the little couch.

"Hey, what are you still doing up and why arent you in bed?" Georgie asks.

"Im up because you were late, and I'm not in bed because this book is interesting." You say, while you set the glass teacup down.

"I'm sorry, we were really busy at the laundry mat today. I was gonna call but once one customer was gone another came up." He explained.

"I know, Connie called. She had a spare minute." You said, putting the bookmark in and closing the book.

"Okay, thanks for understanding" he said, sitting in the couch by you. He placed his head on your shoulder and was exhausted.

"I'm so tired from work. I need sleep." He said, almost falling asleep on your shoulder.

"Then let's go get ready for bed, love. We both are tired." You said as you slightly shook him awake.

You both went in the room, got changed and snuggled under the blanket together. It wasnt long until Georgie was asleep. Snoring happily with you by his side.

You slowly got out of bed and went into the baby's room. Sitting in the lazy boy chair you rocked and sang a lullaby.

You didn't realize you fell asleep in the chair until the next morning when Geoegie was scurring around looking for you.

"Y/n!" He called out your name. "Y/n, where are you?" He asked. You groaned as you rubbed your tired eyes. "In here, love. I'm alright" you said in return.

He came rushing in "why are you in here? Are you alright? Is the baby okay?" He asked. "One, I fell asleep in here rocking and singing a lullaby. Two, I'm fine. Three, the baby is fine. Everything is okay, love" you said, reassuringly.

"Okay, just making sure." He said, kneeling down in front of you. He took your hand and led you back to your bedroom. Once you both got there you guys snuggled back together and took turns singing lullabies to the baby.

"I dont have work today so I figured imma go shopping for things we need for the baby. You have to stay here and be good on bed rest. There's a tv in here, I can bring you your book and make you some tea before I go." He said, looking into your eyes.

"But I wanna come with you" you said in defense.

"No, doctor said you have to stay on bed rest." He said, getting out of bed to get ready.

"Fine, can you make me some food before you leave also?" You asked him in a sweet, light voice.

"Sure thang, sweetheart" he said, leaning over you to kiss your forehead.

"Thank you, I love you" you said as he stood up staight again.

"You're welcome, babe. I love you too." He said, leaving the room. A few minutes later he came back with some warm tea and your book.

"Awwe, thank you" you said, taking the tea and book from him.

"You're welcome, I gotta make breakfast yet. So I'll be back in in a couple of minutes." He said, goin back out of the room.

You started to read your book and drink your tea. You got lost in reading that you didn't realize Georgie standing by the side of the bed. He gently tapped your knee which made you snap out of your daze.

"Oh hey, sorry. Got lost reading" you said, putting the bookmark in and setting the book down.

"No worries, I just came in bout a minute ago. Here" he said, placing down a tray with breakfast on it. It contained bacon, eggs, pancakes, and toast. There was also a glass of orange juice.

"Oh, thank you honey. It looks wonderful." You said, as you started to eat your breakfast.

"You're welcome, I had a bowl of cereal because I gotta get goin to work. I love you, and I'll call if I have to stay later. The tv remote is on your nightstand." He said, kissed your forehead and started to exit the room.

"Okay, thank you babe. See you later" you said, still eating.

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