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Day two of healing

Y/n had woken up earlier than usual and decided to make her and Georgie breakfast. Knowing her brothers were at a friend's house and her parents left earlier that morning.

Georgie had woken up and seen that y/n wasn't there. He smelt something cooking and went to find out what it was. As he entered the kitchen, he seen y/n cooking.

"Hey beautiful, how did you sleep?" He asked coming up behind her. Wrapping his arms around her waist.

"I slept amazing since you were asleep with me. How about you? How did you sleep?" She asked, while leaning into him a little bit while flipping a pancake.

"I slept wonderfully. I got to cuddle with you all night." He smiled and kissed her neck gently.

After breakfast they decided to go to the movie rental shop and get some movies to watch so they weren't bored. Once they got there, they were greeted by Connie.

"What are you two knuckleheads doing here?' She asked, crossing her arms.

"We came to rent movies so we weren't bored at home." Y/n said, looking at a movie.

"What you mean is so you guys werent doing the thing that caused that." Connie said, pointing at y/ns belly.

"Well that too, but it gets boring watching the news a lot." Y/n said, picking up Bambi. "And besides, Georgie's hurt. I wouldn't". She added.

"Wait, if I weren't hurt. You'd, you know..?" Georgie asked, looking at y/n confused.

"Well, depends on the position." She responded

"I'm walking away, I don't need to hear this" Connie said, patting Georgie on the shoulder.


Hey, this is a short chapter because I'm at a loss for ideas. If you have any, please let me know.

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