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It was a month after the car accident. Y/n is now 6 months pregnant. Georgie couldn't help build the garage like he wanted to because his arm is still healing.

"I hate how I have to wait six weeks for my arm to heal. I wanna be building the garage." Georgie said, as he laid beside y/n.

"I know honey, you just gotta wait one more week. And also, three months until Max is born" y/n said in excitement.

"That's exactly why I want to help finish the garage, not a lot of time left." He said, rubbing circles around y/n's belly. "I want to have it done before he comes." He added, looking at y/n while still rubbing circles.

"I know boo, but you can't. Not for another week. Plus our dads and Dale are working on it right now." Y/n said, reassuringly.

Mike knocked on the door. "Hey, the garage is done. Do you guys want to see it?" He asked through the door.

Georgie basically flew out of bed and opened the door. "Heck yeah, I wanna see how it is." He said, leaving the room. "Wait for me" y/n said, trying to get out of bed. Her dad came over and helped her out of bed. "Thanks dad" she said, putting on her slippers.

Once she got to the garage she noticed that the door for cars and other vehicles to enter was now closed off. It was cute on the inside, the now living room walls were now a soft pastel yellow. The now kitchen had a sink, stove, fridge and oven. The utensils were all put away. The walls were a soft pastel red.

The now master bed was a soft pastel green color, the bed was a full size instead of a twin. The bedding were a forest green. There were dark wood side tables and two matching closets. The now bathroom walls were soft pastel orange. The shower curtain were a different shade of orange. The now baby room were a soft pastel blue.

The crib was handmade, y/n could tell because she recognized the shape of the cilinder bars as to match the one that Georgie was sanding earlier the day of the accident. The mattress on the inside is covered with blue sheets. There was a lazy boy rocking chair. It is a light grey with a soft blue throw blanket on it.

"Oh my gosh, I love the little house that you guys worked on." Y/n said, happily as she sat in the lazy boy. "Thanks, Dale only bought and brought over the furniture. Mike and I built what was remaining of the house. We also had to bring in and build the furniture." George SR said, standing in the doorway evil eyeing Dale. "I helped paint" Dale said in defense. "The easy part is what that is" Mike included.

Georgie came in and stood by y/n. "This is amazing." He said in awe. "It really is, where is Mary, Connie and my mom? I need to talk with them." Y/n asked, looking at the three men to her right. "They went to get something. They wouldn't tell us." Mike said.

Moments later after all four men left. Bethany, Connie, and Mary came into the little house. They found y/n sitting at the dining room table. It was a lightish dark oak table. "Where were you guys? I need to talk to you about wedding plans" y/n said, worried at first then calmed her tone down.

"We were buying candles for the wedding." Mary said, sitting in a chair to y/n's right. Bethany say to the left and Connie sat on the other end of the table.

"Oh, you guys just want to plan the wedding between you three? I was thinking on getting the dress a week before the wedding so that way I didn't have to worry about my bump getting too big for it." Y/n said, looking at her baby bump. "And the color scheme Georgie wants is Gold and Silver." She added, rubbing her belly.

"Okay, we can deal with everything so you don't have to be stressed about it. When is it, the wedding?" Mary said, and looking at y/n questionably.

"Two months from now. Yes I know it puts me at eight months along but we wanted to make sure there was time to get everything situated." Y/n said, in a factual tone.

"Yeah, that makes sense. Have you guys thought of a name for you baby boy?" Bethany asked, anxious to know her grandbaby's name.

"Maxwell Chase Cooper. It was thought of in the hospital. When I was still admitted." Y/n said, in an explanatory tone.

"Aw, such a cute name for him. He's gonna be the cutest little baby ever" Connie said from across the table. Mary and Bethany agreed.

Y/n stands up and pushed the chair she was sitting in back under the table. "Imma go pack up my stuff. Hey mom, can you go get me more boxes please?" Y/n asks, in a sweet tone.

"Yeah, do you wanna ride with?" She asks Mary. "Yeah, I'll ride with, and my mom can help y/n pack. Right ma?" Mary said and asked. "Yeah, gives me time to hang out with her" Connie said getting up.

Y/n and Connie walked over to y/n's house as Bethany and Mary got in the car to go get more boxes.

When Bethany and Mary got back they finished with packing then the men came in and moved the boxes over so y/n wasn't struggling to carry anything.

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