Big Trouble

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After Bethany and Mary stepped out of the house to think. Connie walked up to Georgie and y/n.

"So, you had some fun. Then wound up in this situation?" Connie asked them.

"Uh, yeah. You could say it that way" y/n said.

"Yeah, well whatever you two need. I'll be there to help" Connie said, patting y/n on the shoulder.

A few moments later, Mary, Bethany, George SR, and Mike(y/n's dad) walked in.

*Oh no, not my dad* y/n thought. Scared of what her father might do.

"Y/n, honey. You are a smart girl, why would you do this?" Mike asked.

"It wasn't intentional, it was a spur of the moment type of thing" she replied. Her body shaking with fright.

"Georgie, I never put it past ya to knock a girl up" George SR said

"Dad, really?" Georgie asked, in a 'what the fuck' tone.

After everyone sat and talked about everything. Mary and Bethany came up with the solution that y/n and Georgie should be wed before the baby arrives. But Connie, George SR, and Mike disagreed. Saying they're too young and they've hardly even been dating.

"Well, they should have thought of that before they had sex" Mary said.

"Mrs. Cooper, I assure you that we were fine not doing it on our first date but something took over us and well... Now you see what is goin on. We didn't think we'd be in this predicament when we did it." Y/n said.

"Still, you did it anyway" Bethany said, with an obvious mad tone.

Y/n went to speak when her brothers came in crying.

"What's wrong angels?" Bethany

"Sheldon is being mean" Jax said

"He told us that we're not smart and will never be smart" Jace added

"Oh, you boys are smart. Don't listen to Sheldon" Bethany said, trying to comfort the twins.

"I don't think Sheldon would ever say something like that, yes he can be rude but he wouldn't say that to you guys. He'd say it to his brother and sister though." Mary said, defending Sheldon.

"Why don't you two go play in your rooms" Bethany said to the boys.

They ran off to their rooms to play. Bethany stood up to get something to drink and to offer anyone else something.

"When did you two start being buddy buddy?" Y/n asked both her mother and Mary.

"Since the day Georgie was missing" Mary said.

Bethany handed out the sweet tea. Then sat back in her chair.

After they discussed where y/n, Georgie and the baby were going. They all started to eat. The Cooper family and the Peters. Bethany and Mary worked together to cook. When they were cooking, George SR and Mike watched football and drank a few beers.
*****Time jump*****
About a month after the big discussion, y/n and Georgie were still grounded. But y/n got a job at Connie's video store. Which on this day Georgie had to leave the Laundromat early and y/n had to leave the Video store early. They were going to the doctors office for and appointment to see if the baby is healthy.

They couldn't know the gender yet as it was still too early. Georgie didn't want to know the gender, he wanted to wait until the baby was born. When he isn't at the Laundromat, he's fixing up the garage into a small little house for the three of them. With an actual bathroom.

Y/n and Georgie got to the doctors office. They checked in and a few minutes after, they got called to the back.

"So, how are you feeling Ms. Peters?" The doctor asked.

"I'm doing alright, baby don't hurt too much" she responded

"Alright, well this is just an animal check up. You come in twice a month so we know you and baby are doing fine." The doctor said, "oh, and I'm Dr. Brass." He said.

Georgie sat in the corner. Holding y/n's hand.

"If we're finding out the gender today, let me know so I can leave the room. I don't wanna know." Georgie said, with his head held high.

"Honey, we're not finding out the gender. That's not until two and a half months along. We're only a month along" y/n said, then giggled.

"Oh, okay then. Good, I still don't want to know baby's gender." He said, lightly rubs his hand on y/n's belly.

"Alright well, let's get started." The doctor said.

After the appointment they went to Chi-Chi's because y/n was getting hungry.

"So, how's work going love?" Y/n asked

"It's work, so not very fun" he said, while taking a bite of his wet barrito. "How's work for you babe?" He asked, chewing his food.

"Interesting actually, we've had a run in with Pastor Jeff about the movie selection". Y/n said, taking a bite of her enchiladas.

When they got home, both their moms were in y/n's house. They had very mad looks on their faces.

"Where have you two been?" Bethany asked, in a serious and mad tone.

"We went to the appointment then to Chi-Chi's because we were hungry" y/n said, in a defensive way.

"I told you to go to the appointment and straight back. Not to go anywhere else." Bethany said.

"Well I'm already knocked up, what's the difference if I go out with my boyfriend and the father of the kid?" Y/n said, annoyed and angry.

"Well, I don't want anything bad to happen to you. And you're still grounded. Remember?" Bethany said, crossing her arms.

"I know, but I was hungry and Chi-Chi's was on the way home" y/n said, still defending herself.

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