First Day Home

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It was three days after Maxwell was born. You just got home.

It was 10:00 at night. You were rocking Max in the La-z-boy chair while feeding him when Georgie came home.

"Y/n? Where are you?" He calls out. While sitting on the couch to take his boots off.

"In here feeding Max" you respond. Still rocking your little one.

Georgie comes in and sees you smiling at your baby.

"Well ain't that a pretty sight to see. How was your first day all alone?" He asked, while standing by the crib watching you.

"A bizare one, he was good all day. But the amount of people coming to see him was crazy." You say, slowly getting up to put Max in his crib.

"Aw, babe. I'm sorry you had to deal with that. But look at the bright side, Amy down the road just had a kid. Everyone is gonna be goin down there now. I mean maybe not our mom's but everyone else will be." He said, in a calm and reassuring tone.

He had a way with making you feel secure. You felt safe around him.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Oh, I know for a fact that every chance our mom's and Connie get to come over. They will" you say, jokingly to lighten things up a bit.

"Yeah, let's head to bed. I'm tired, and I'm sure you are too." He says, placing a hand on your lower back and leading you to the bedroom.

You guys changed, crawled into bed, cuddled up nice and cozy, and you were almost asleep.

"Hey babe?" Georgie quietly and softly asks you.

"Yeah, love?" You respond, in the same tone.

"Do you still love me?" He askes, hesitantly.

You turn towards him

"Of course I do. What made you think I didn't?" You ask, placing a hand on his cheek.

"Well, this guy came in complaining about once being a teen parent and in love. But then him and his lover drifted after the baby." He said, looking down at the blanket.

"Oh, don't worry hon. Thats not gonna happen. I love you now and forever. We are getting married soon too. " You say, drawing circles on his cheek with your thumb.

"Yeah, true. Are all the plans for that done?" He asked, taking your hand off his face and holding it.

"Yeah. Me, your mom, Connie, and my mom all got it planned. The stuff is in my parents garage" you say, and kiss him.

You both get comfortable again and fall asleep. You wake up to Max crying to be fed. You got up, made a bottle and went to his room.

You pick him up and sit in the chair with him. After you've fed him, he fell asleep so you place him in his crib and walk to the kitchen, put the bottle on the counter and go back to sleep.

The next morning you wake up and notice Georgie isn't next to you. You look at the clock next to your bed and see it's 6:30 am. You notice a note tucked under the clock.

Max starts crying so you decide to look at the note after you get him. You get up and walk to get him. He stops crying once you pick him up. You walk back to your room and lay on the bed. Grab the note and read it.

  Dear y/n/n, I know it's my day off but I went to get some stuff for dinner. I'm gonna cook you something special. And I have my tux fitting today. I love you, and I'll see you later.
                          Love always,

You place the note back down, and grab the tv remote. You turn on the tv with your little baby sleeping on your chest.

A few hours pass and Georgie gets home. Max was asleep for most the day, except when he needed a diaper change or needed fed. You and Max were still in your bed. You had fallen asleep with him laying next to you.

Georgie walked in, grabbed Max, and gently woke you up. When you woke up you realized you had fallen asleep.

"Good morning, sunshine" Georgie said, holding a sleeping Max in his arms.

You love when he calls you "sunshine" in the sweet southern accent.

"Good morning, when did you get home?" You ask, sliding your slippers on.

You were wearing a light blue night gown. And Georgie was in a red shirt tucked into his dark blue pants, a black belt holding them in place, and his brown worn out boots.

"Not long before I woke you up. I made grilled cheese for lunch. It's out on the table for you, I'll put him in his crib." He said, kissing Max on the top of his head.

He walked out of the room to put Max in the crib. You got up, and went to eat. After Georgie put Max in his crib, he came and joined you at the table.

Connie, Mary, and Bethany came in unannounced shocking you both while you ate. Georgie and you almost choked in your food from the suddenness.

"Where is he?" Bethany asked, you know who she's talking about.

"Asleep, please don't wake him." You said, catching your breath after taking a drink of milk.

"Oh, but we wanna see our grandchild" Mary said, with a pouty face.

You sigh and get up to go get him. You found him awake in his crib not crying. But looking at his mobile (its that dangly thing above the crib). You pick him up and carry him out.

"Well, he was awake. Just being very content in his mobile." You said, as Bethany grabbed him from your arms. You sat back down to finish eating with Georgie as the three of them took turns holding him and kissing his little face.

Once you both were done, Georgie went and grabbed his son from Connie. Who then became saddened. You finished making his bottle.

"Its time to feed him." He said, taking the bottle from you. And sitting down for him to feed Max. The three women left and you went to read for a bit.

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